This prize is awarded every three years at the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP) “in recognition of a single achievement in Mathematical Physics” by a scientist who is under 35 years of age (more…).
It is with deep sadness that Columbia Mathematics Department has learned of
the passing of Masatake Kuranishi, who was a member of the Department for
over forty years (more…)
Professor Joan Birman was elected as a new member of the National Academy of Sciences (MORE).
The incoming graduate class for 2021 has been announced. For a list of the new students, please visit the incoming class page.
View the department’s response to the recently announced changes for the upcoming 2020-21 academic year… (more)
For current news and guidance about Columbia’s response to COVID-19, please visit:
The incoming graduate class for 2020 has been announced. For a list of the new students, please visit the Incoming class page.
On February 12, Samuel Eilenberg Professor of Mathematics Andrei Okounkov was elected to Foreign Membership in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (More…).
The Spring 2020 Samuel Eilenberg Lectures will take place on Tuesdays starting January 28 at 2:40 p.m. in room 520. Professor Tobias Holck Colding (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), will deliver a series of lectures (more…)
The Department is offering 7 graduate topics courses in Spring 2020. Titles and abstracts may be viewed here.