Title: On High Girth Steiner-Triple Systems and Subspace Designs Abstract: We discuss the recent resolutions of the 1973 conjecture of Erdős on the existence of high girth Steiner triple systems and the […]
Title: Dieudonné theory: from classical to modern Abstract: Dieudonné theory gives a classification in terms of “semi-linear algebra” of finite flat commutative group schemes of p-power order over a perfect […]
Title: Fourier uniformity of multiplicative functions Abstract: The Fourier uniformity conjecture seeks tounderstand what multiplicative functions can have large Fourier coefficients onmany short intervals. We will discuss recent progress on this problem […]
Title: Random lattices with symmetries
Title: Generalizing Lie theory to higher dimensions – the De Rham theorem on simplices and cubes
Title: Knots Invariants and Arithmetic Statistics.
Title: A nonsmooth approach to Einstein‘s theory of gravity.
Title: The stable Bernstein theorem in $R^4$.
Title: On topological Pontryagin classes.
Title: A stability theory for isoperimetric and minimal area problems