This course is taken in sequence, part 1 in the fall, and part 2 in the spring.
Lie Groups and Representations I
I Basic Notions
- Abstract groups, algebraic groups over a field, topological groups, Lie groups
- Subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups
- Homomorphisms of groups – image, kernel, exact sequences
- Cyclic groups, abelian groups, nilpotent groups
- Conjugacy classes, left and right cosets of a subgroup
II Algebraic Examples
- Units of a ring, k* for k a field, roots of unity in a commutative ring, R*, S1 in C*
- GL(n, R) as the group of units of n x n-matrices over a commutative ring
- The determinant and SL(n, R), O(n, R), Sympl(2n, R) when there is (-1) in R
- Algebraic groups of the above types over a field, definition of linear algebraic groups
- Group structure on an elliptic curve
- Group of p-adic integers, and its multiplicative group of units
III Geometric Examples and Symmetry
- Permutation groups
- Symmetries of regular plane figures and of Platonic solids
- The Lie groups SL(n, R), SO(n, R), SO(p, q), Sympl(2n, R)
- Isometries of the line, the plane, and higher dimensional Euclidean spaces
- Isometries of spheres and of Minkowski space. The Poincaré group
- Isometries of the hyperbolic plane, conformal isomorphisms of S2, relation with SL(2, R) and SL(2, C)
- Clifford algebras and the spin groups
- The Heisenberg group
IV Lie Algebras
- Definition, examples of the Lie algebra of an associative algebra
- The Lie algebra of a Lie group. The universal enveloping algebra and the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
V Representations
- Definition in the various categories of groups, representations of a Lie algebra
- Infinitesimal generators for the action of a Lie group
- The infinitesimal representation associated to a linear representation of a Lie group
- Turning actions into linear representations on the functions
- Classification of the (finite dimensional) representations of sl(2, C), SU(2), and SO(3)
- Representations of the Heisenberg algebra
VI Representations of Finite and Compact Lie Groups
- Complete reducibility, Schur’s lemma, characters, orthogonality relations for characters of a finite group
- Dimension of the space of characters of a finite group
- The decomposition of the regular representation of a finite group
- Characters of a compact group – complete reducibility, Schur’s lemma, orthogonality of characters
- Peter-Weyl theorem (except the proof of the decomposibility of a Hilbert space representation into finite dimensional sub representations)
- Example of L2(S1) and Fourier analysis
- Example of L2(S2) as a module over SO(3) and spherical harmonics
VII Finite Groups and Counting Principles
- Orders of elements and subgroups
- Groups of order pn are nilpotent
- Subgroups of index 2 are normal
- The Sylow theorems
- Classification of groups of order pq for p, q distinct primes. Groups of order 12
Lie Groups and Representations II
I Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: the Exponential Mapping
- Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula
- A Lie group is determined by its Lie algebra up to covering
- Action of a Lie group is determined by its infinitesimal action
II Maximal Tori of a Compact Lie Group
- Existence and uniqueness up to conjugation
- Every element is contained in a maximal torus
- Regular elements
- The Weyl group
- Weyl group action on the maximal torus and on corresponding abelian Lie algebra
- Decomposition of the adjoint representation root spaces. Weyl chambers
- Groups generated by reflection
- Positive roots, dominant root and alcove
- Dynkin diagrams
- The classical examples SU(n), SO(n), Sympl(2n)
III Complex Semi-Simple Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
IV Irreducible Representations of Compact Groups
- Weight spaces, dominant weights
- Examples for SU(n), Sympl(2n) and SO(n)
V Selected Topics, chosen from
- Borel-Weil-Bott theory
- Infinite-dimensional representations of SL(2, R)
- Kac-Moody algebras
- The Virasoro algebra
- Supersymmetry