The Informal Symplectic Geometry Seminar meets in Math 507 from 3:30 to 5:00 on Fridays.

The Informal Symplectic Geometry Seminar should not be confused with Columbia's more traditional Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory seminar.

Previous semesters: Spring 2008, Fall 2007.

ISG seminar schedule. (iCal)
Date Speaker Title

Sept. 19

3:30 p.m.

Adam Knapp (Columbia) Invariants of Montesinos Twins
Sept. 26 Melissa Liu (Columbia) T-duality and equivariant homological mirror symmetry: some basic examples
Oct. 3 Tim Perutz (Columbia) A hypercube for the Floer homology of symplectic monodromy maps?
Oct. 10 No seminar this week.
Oct. 17 Maksim Lipyanskiy (Columbia) Semi-infinite cycles in Floer theory
Oct. 24 No seminar this week: NY Area Joint Symplectic Seminar instead.
Oct. 31 Anar Akhmedov (Columbia) The geography problem for irreducible 4-manifolds
Nov. 7 No seminar this week: symplectic seminar instead.
Nov. 14 No seminar this week: symplectic seminar instead.
Nov. 21 No seminar this week: NY Area Joint Symplectic Seminar instead.
Nov. 28 No seminar this week; give thanks!

Dec. 5

3:45 p.m.

Reza Rezazadegan (Rutgers) Seidel-Smith invariant of links and beyond



September 19, 2008.

Adam Knapp, "Invariants of Montesinos Twins."

Abstract: A Montesinos twin is a pair of S^2s in S^4 meeting twice. We use them for a generalization of the Fintushel-Stern knot surgery construction. From the Seiberg-Witten invariant of this generalized surgery applied to the K3 surface, we get an invariant of the twins. We show a method of computation of the Seiberg-Witten invariant which works for some cases.


September 26, 2008.

Melissa Liu, "T-duality and equivariant homological mirror symmetry: some basic examples."

Abstract: This is a pre-talk for the Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory Seminar
on October 17. We will focus on simple examples. The main reference
is Bohan Fang's "Homological mirror symmetry is T-duality for P^n",
arXiv: 0804.0646.


October 17, 2008.

Maksim Lipyanskiy, "Semi-infinite cycles in Floer theory."

Abstract: I will survey my work on defining various versions of Floer theory that are based on an infinite dimensional analogue of bordism rather than Morse homology. The setup will be illustrated on examples from hamiltonian Floer theory.


December 5, 2008.

Reza Rezazadegan, "Seidel-Smith invariant of links and beyond."

Abstract: I survey Seidel and Smith's proposed geometric model for Khovanov homology and describe a generalization of this invariant to tangles. I also discuss some of the similarities between the two invariants.

Other relevant information.

Our e-mail list.

Announcements for this seminar, as well as for related seminars and events, are sent to the "Floer Homology" e-mail list maintained via Google Groups. You can subscribe directly via Google Groups or by contacting R. Lipshitz.