Workshop and conference, "Interactions Between Hyperbolic Geometry, Quantum Topology and Number Theory" will be held at Columbia University in New York in June 2009.  The workshop will be held from Wednesday June 3rd - Saturday June 13th 2009, and the conference will be held from Monday June 15th - Friday June 19th 2009.

Support is available for the workshop and conference to graduate students and fresh PhDs. The bulk of support for participants will be in the form of housing. We may also provide partial travel support depending upon the funds left. Funding is provided by the NSF through an FRG grant.

Organizers: Abhijit Champanerkar (CSI, CUNY), Oliver Dasbach (LSU), Effie Kalfagianni (MSU), Ilya Kofman (CSI, CUNY), Walter Neumann (Barnard College, Columbia U.), Neal Stoltzfus (LSU)
