Organizing Committee:

  • Hubert Bray (Duke)
  • Alexander Kiselev (Duke)


All those planning to attend should register. There are limited funds to offset travel and hotel expenses for some participants who are not invited speakers. Priority will be given to early career participants.


Rutgers Gauge Theory, Low-Dimensional Topology, and Geometric Analysis Conference 2025

When: Monday May 19 and Tuesday May 20, 2025

Where: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick

Registration is free but is required of all participants. The conference will be an in-person meeting on the College Avenue campus of Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Invited speakers for the conference include:

Jacob Bernstein (Johns Hopkins University)
Theodora Bourni (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Christine Breiner (Brown University)
Riccardo Caniato (Caltech)
Adrian Chu (Cornell)
Camillo De Lellis (IAS)
Dylan Galt (Stony Brook University and Harvard University)
Robert Haslhofer (University of Toronto)
Ovidiu Munteanu (University of Connecticut)
Doug Stryker (Princeton University)

To register (required for our planning and for participants to receive conference updates) or apply for funding for in person participants (only very limited funding is available), please complete the following short registration form.