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Remote Learning

Adapting a face-to-face course to online or hybrid teaching requires redesigning many aspects of the course including content structure and delivery, assessment, student engagement activities, and communication. Some key elements to consider: 

  • Breaking down the course into modules and providing a module roadmap.
  • Adding asynchronous components: pre-recorded materials, additional notes, online resources. 
  • Providing students with opportunities to interact with content, peers, and with you (the instructor) in their own time, in order to supplement what is being done synchronously in class. 
  • Redesigning the assessment portion of the course: more continuous lower stakes assessment is recommended.
  • Including activities that cultivate self-directed learning.
  • Planning for increased flexibility and student support.

Guiding points 

Teaching strategies and setup options. 

Note: While planning for hybrid or in-person teaching in the Fall 2020 consider the possibility of having to deliver the course in an online only setting as well.

Some resources to begin with: 

  1. A collection of teaching strategies for Fall 2020 teaching modalities: online, hybrid, in person, and various combinations. (ITLAL)
  2. CTL toolkit for online teaching available in CourseWorks only: Hybrid & Online Teaching Institute for Faculty (Columbia).
    More online resources from Columbia CTL can be found here, and they include: 

    1. Teaching with Zoom 
    2. Teaching with Panopto 
    3. Teaching with CourseWorks
  3. Teaching Math Online: a collection of resources that are math specific (AMS)

Some specific aspects to consider

  1. Content delivery
  2. Assessment 
  3. Tools and Technology

Other recommendations

  • Practice with the technology before classes start 
  • Make the course info available to students before classes starts
  • Adapt the course description and syllabus to hybrid/online teaching by including 
    • “Community Agreement” (netiquette) outlining the expectations of communicating online. 
    • Resources to support your hybrid or online learners, whether technology support, academic support, or well-being.
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