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Sonia Kovalevsky Day 2023

You are invited! Join us for a day of math and fun! 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Friday October 20th, 2023 The day will begin at 9:00am with registration followed […]

Planning Forms

Planning forms for all majors, joint majors, and minors should be completed and approved by a department adviser early in the semester of the expected graduation date. Majors Major in […]


ENYGMMa (Empowering New York Gender Minority Mathematicians) is a monthly inter-university seminar series for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty primarily aimed at those who identify with gender minorities in mathematics […]

External Opportunities for Students & Postdocs

**DISCLAIMER: This web page is set up as a courtesy for Columbia graduate students, postdocs, and undergrads who are seeking external opportunities not affiliated with the Department of Mathematics nor […]

Abigail Hickok awarded inaugural Babuška Thesis Prize

Congratulations to Abigail Hickok, who was recently awarded the inaugural Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize! (more)

Packard Foundation Grant Supports Columbia’s Efforts to Address the Under-representation of Women in Mathematics

Ivan Corwin, Professor of Mathematics and 2014 Packard Fellow in Science and Engineering, has been awarded a $40,000 award as part of the Increasing Diversity in STEM pilot program…(more)

Will Sawin awarded Sloan Fellowship

Congratulations to Will Sawin, recipient of a 2023 Sloan Fellowship award! (read more)

Independent Study

The Department provides several options for students who wish to pursue independent study: Supervised Readings MATH UN3901 – Supervised Reading I (fall term only) MATH UN3902 – Supervised Reading II […]

Professor Daskalopoulos (Columbia University) and Šešum (Rutgers) to Receive 2023 Satter Prize

Professor Panagiota Daskalopoulos and Nataša Šešum (Rutgers University) have been selected to receive the 2023 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics.

In Memoriam – Steven M. Zelditch

Professor Steven M. Zelditch of Northwestern University passed away on September 11, 2022, two days short of his 69th birthday. He was a Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia University from 1981 to 1985 (MORE).