MATH W4041:
Intro to Modern Algebra I
Spring 2010
Week 10: November 9, 11
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next week
Our second midterm will be held in class on November 16.
Test |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Points |
Exam 2 | Tuesday | November 16 | in class | 30 |
Problem Session
Day |
Date |
Time |
Place |
Wednesday |
November 10 |
7:30 pm |
507 Math |
"The Universe"
For the exam, you are responsible for the following topics:
Define unit, associate, proper divisor, irreducible, prime. Where possible, give a second definition in terms of ideals.
Define and give examples of a Principal Ideal Domain, Unique Factorization Domain, Euclidean Domain.
State and prove Gauss's lemma.
Prove that the Gaussian integers are a Euclidean Domain. List its first few primes.
Prove that for a Principal Ideal Domain, any infinite ascending chain stabilizes.
State and prove the Eisenstein criterion, and be able to apply it.
Diagonalize an integer matrix using row and column operations.
Given an abelian group described by generators and relations, express G as a product of free and cyclic groups.
Unmask the identity of the Doodle poll participant "The Ring Leader."