MATH V3951:
 Undergraduate Seminars I
 Fall 2010

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Dave Bayer (x42643, 426 Mathematics,
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Number Theory
Hang Xue

Hang Xue will lead a seminar on Number Theory, meeting once a week:

If you would like to join this seminar, and have not already done so, please contact us, and come to the first meeting.

Knot Theory
Rumen Zarev

Rumen Zarev will lead a seminar on Knot Theory, meeting once a week:

If you would like to join this seminar, and have not already done so, please contact us, and come to the first meeting.

Organizational Meeting
Thursday, September 10th, 2010
7:30 pm to 8:45 pm
508 Mathematics

We held an organizational meeting on Thursday, September 9th, from 7:30 pm to 8:45 pm, in 508 Mathematics. At this organizational meeting, we chose topics and meeting times for the seminars. We held an online poll in advance of this meeting, to include input from students who could not attend.

Dave Bayer's Office Hours