Exam 3 Preparation
Linear Algebra
Fall 2013

Exam 3 will cover Chapters 6 and 7 (Determinants, Eigenvalues) of Bretscher (any edition). As always, one can work problems from the text for additional practice.

For Exam 3, one should be able to

I have posted a practice exam 3 which gives examples of problems of these forms:

Additional Practice Problems for Exam 3

Some of these problems may be beyond the scope of our Exam 3.

3x3 Inverses

An Atlas of Matrices

I have generated a new atlas of eigenvalue problems that can be worked by hand.

The original atlas is still available. It does not include any 3 by 3 repeated root problems.

Course Materials

This page hosts the above files, and many other PDF files from previous semesters.