MATH V2010: Linear Algebra
Fall, 1999
Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 9:10am-10:25am, 312 Mathematics
Dave Bayer (x42643, 426 Mathematics)
Department page |
Bulletin page
Grades: The following is an Acrobat PDF file (without names) giving the numerical grades
(but not the final letter grades) for the course:
Prerequisites: Math V1106 Calculus 2S or Math
V1201 Calculus 3A or the equivalent.
Text: Linear Algebra with Applications Fifth Edition, by Steven J. Leon.
Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-849308-1. University bookstore or
This semester we will cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Exams: There will be two exams (30 points each) and a final (40 points).
These dates do not coincide with any religious holiday which causes suspension of
New York City's alternate side parking regulations; see
NYC Parking Calendar.
Please discuss other conflicts with me well in advance of the exam in question.
Office Hours:
My office hours for the Fall '99 semester are
- Tuesday, 10:30am-11:30am
- Thursday, 2:00pm-3:00pm
and by appointment.
Teaching Assistant: Chad Shampine is our T.A.
His Help Room Schedule
is Mondays and Wednesdays, 3-4pm, 406 Mathematics.
Problem Sessions for Final:
- Chad Shampine, Tuesday, December 14, 1-3pm, 417 Math
- Dave Bayer, Wednesday, December 15, 7-9pm, 507 Math
Course materials: Course materials are posted in Acrobat PDF format. Your browser
can be trained to automatically open these files with Acrobat Reader, a free program which you can
download from
(TeX sources, for instructors wishing to borrow format:
Class Schedule and Homework Assignments:
- Tues, Sep 7:
1.1 Systems of Linear Equations. Exercises 1-8.
- Thurs, Sep 9:
1.2 Row Echelon Form. Exercises 1-3, 5, 6, 19.
- Tues, Sep 14:
1.3 Matrix Algebra. Exercises 1-10, 12, 20, 30.
- Thurs, Sep 16:
1.4 Elementary Matrices. Exercises 1-5, 7, 9, 15
- Tues, Sep 21:
1.5 Partitioned Matrices. Exercises 4, 5, 7-10.
- Thurs, Sep 23:
2.1 The Determinant of a Matrix. Exercises 1-4, 6, 10
- Tues, Sep 28:
2.2 Properties of Determinants.
- Thurs, Sep 30:
2.3 Cramer's Rule.
- Tues, Oct 5:
exam review
- Thurs, Oct 7:
EXAM 1 (chapters 1 and 2)
- Tues, Oct 12:
3.1 Vector Spaces. Exercises 1-10.
- Thurs, Oct 14:
3.2 Subspaces. Exercises 1-8.
- Tues, Oct 19:
3.3 Linear Independence. Exercises 1-9.
- Thurs, Oct 21:
3.4 Basis and Dimension. Exercises 1-8, 11
3.5 Change of Basis. Exercises 1-5, 8-10
- Tues, Oct 26:
3.6 Rowspace, column space. Exercises 1-7
- Thurs, Oct 28:
4.1 Linear transformations, definitions and examples.
4.2 Matrix representation of linear transformations.
- Tues, Nov 2:
Election holiday; no class
- Thurs, Nov 4:
4.3 Similarity.
- Tues, Nov 9:
exam review.
- Thurs, Nov 11:
EXAM 2 (chapters 3 and 4)
- Tues, Nov 16:
5.1 The scalar product. Exercises 1-8
5.2 Orthogonal subspaces. Exercises 1, 2
- Thurs, Nov 18:
5.3 Inner product spaces. Exercises 1-4
5.4 Least squares problems. Exercises 1-6
- Tues, Nov 23:
5.5 Orthonormal sets. Exercises 1, 2, 4, 7, 8
5.6 The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process. Exercises 1-4
- Thurs, Nov 25:
Thanksgiving holiday; no class
- Tues, Nov 30:
6.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Exercises 1-5
6.2 Systems of linear differential equations. Exercise 1
- Thurs, Dec 2:
6.3 Diagonalization. Exercises 1-4
6.4 Hermitian matrices. Exercises 1, 4
- Tues, Dec 7:
6.5 Quadratic forms. Exercises 1, 3
6.6 Positive definite matrices. Exercises 1, 3, 4
- Thurs, Dec 9:
exam review.
- Thurs, Dec 16: FINAL EXAM (chapters 5 and 6, some review questions)