 MATH W4041:
 Intro to Modern Algebra I
 Spring 2010

Week 4: February 9, 11     up     previous week     next week

Problem Sessions, Exam

There are two upcoming problem sessions. Note that the first problem session was rescheduled (and relocated) because of the blizzard.

Day Date Time Place
Thursday February 11 7:30 pm 507 Math
Sunday February 14 1:00 pm Diana LL103

There will be an exam next week:

Test Day Date Time Points
Exam 1TuesdayFebruary 16in class30


Our class lectures correspond to Artin, Chapter 2 in its entirety.

Practice Exam

Our exam will consist of five questions, some asking for proofs and some asking for worked examples. What follows is the "universe" of problems from which I will draw these five questions. Some possibilities below are harder than I would ask on a test. You may nevertheless focus on what follows, in preparation for our exam. (The phrases in parentheses are useful search terms.)