
Cailan Li

Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
Room 509, MC 4406
2990 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

E-mail address:

Office: 610 Mathematics


I am a sixth year graduate student at Columbia University, under the supervision of Mikhail Khovanov. I am interested in Representation Theory, Categorification, Link Homology and Algebraic Geometry. Starting Fall 2024 I will be a postdoc at the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica under the mentorship of Chun-Ju Lai.


The Two-Color Ext Soergel Calculus

On the images of multilinear maps of matrices over finite-dimensional division algebras


In Fall 2023, I ran an undergraduate seminar on Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Integrability.

In Spring 2023, I ran an undergraduate seminar on Symmetric Functions and Macdonald Polynomials.

In Fall 2022, I ran an undergraduate seminar on Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups.

In Spring 2020, I taught Calculus I.


In Spring 2024, I am co-organizing a seminar on Categorical Representation Theory.

In Fall 2023, I co-organized a seminar on Representation Theory and Categorification.

In Spring 2023, I co-organized an Informal Categorification Seminar.

In Spring 2023, I co-organized a seminar on Lie Superalgebras and Categorification.

In Fall 2022, I co-organized an Informal Categorification Seminar.

In Spring 2022, I co-organized a seminar on KLR Algebras and Categorification.

In Spring 2021, I co-organized a seminar on Modern Techniques in Representation Theory.

In Fall 2020, I co-organized a seminar on Category $\mathcal{O}$.

In Fall 2019-Spring 2020, I co-organized a seminar on Computations in Representation Theory.


Here are some notes from talks I have given while in graduate school. There are small typos throughout so use at your own risk.

Categorified Crystal Operators on $U(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_p})$

Canonical Bases for $U_q(\mathfrak{gl}(m|1))$

PBW Bases for $U_q(\mathfrak{gl}(m|1))$

Lie Superalgebras: Fundamentals

Actions of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ on algebras appearing in categorifications

Categorification of Verma modules for $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$

Schur-Sergeev Duality for Lie Superalgebras

Brundan-Kleshchev Graded Isomorphism and Categorification Theorem

KLR Algebras: Categorification

Torus Knots and the Rational DAHA

Affine Grassmanian and the Affine Flag Variety

Deformation of Schemes

Lusztig's Canonical Basis II

Lusztig's Canonical Basis I

Singular Soergel Bimodules

What is (Abelian) Categorification?

Derived Schemes

Category $\mathcal{O}:$ Methods

Introduction to Perverse Sheaves II

Introduction to Perverse Sheaves I

Representations of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ at a Root of Unity

Cohomology of Local Systems on $X_\Gamma$