Fall 2023 Math UN3951 Undergraduate Seminars: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Integrability

Instructor: Cailan Li
E-mail: ccl2166@columbia.edu
Classes: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in Math 507
Office hours:Please email me to make an appointment.
I will usually be in my office Math 610 on Tuesdays 5-6 PM if you have any last minute questions/concerns.


Statistical mechanics, as the name implies, is concerned with the average properties of a mechanical system. Consider the atmosphere inside a room or water in a kettle. The observer has little, if any, control over the components: they can only measure a few average properties of the system, such as its temperature or density. The aim of statistical mechanics is to predict the relations between the observable macroscopic properties of the system, given only a knowledge of the microscopic forces between the components.

This seminar will be concerned with the mathematics behind statistical mechanics. In particular using combinatorics, linear algebra and special functions we will ``solve" the Ising model (which models ferromagnetism) in 1 and 2 dimensions.


In the last third of the seminar we will go into the Quantum Realm and cover Quantum Integrable Systems. A big emphasis will be made on one of the cornerstones of the subject, finding solutions to the (quantum) Yang-Baxter equation as seen in the picture above. We will see how solutions to the (quantum) Yang-Baxter equation will allow us to solve Quantum Integrable Systems and how they connect back to Statistical mechanics.

An (almost) complete outline of the semester with references, can be found in the Seminar Outline . Please skim the relevant sections of the references to see if the topic is something you want to present.


The formal requirements will be MATH UN2010: Linear Algebra and MATH UN3007: Complex Variables. Now, Complex Variables is only required for a couple talks, but our main textbook isn't the easiest to read because it's partly physics and so you should have sufficient mathematical maturity or otherwise this seminar will be quite a bumpy ride. Knowledge of Quantum Mechanics or actual Statistical Mechanics might be useful as motivation but both aren't strict requirements.


Grading will be based on participation, attendance, and effort. Specifically,




Audience members are expected to actively engaged during the talk. In particular I want to emphasize that if you are confused or need an additional explanation at any point during a talk, PLEASE ASK A QUESTION . There will be no dumb questions in this seminar, so please feel free to ask anything you want (pertaining to the lecture).

Speakers are expected to put effort into making their lecture as clear, cohesive and engaging as possible. There should be a logical flow to your talk and you should explain how the different things you are writing down relate to each other. Here are some guidelines/suggestions for your talk

We will need to meet once before your talk (typically on Sunday on Zoom). I require that 80% of your notes should be typed up by then. We will meet once again after your talk (directly after, in my office) where I will give you feedback on the talk.

Main References

Statistical Field Theory: An Introduction to Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Physics

Seminar Schedule

Dates Speaker Topic Supplementary Images
9/19 Cailan Li Motivation and Linear Algebra Review: Notes
9/26 Melinda Yuan The 1D-Ising Model: Notes
10/3 Uri Korin Series Expansion and the Potts Model: Notes
10/3 Yunshan Xiao Bessel functions and O(n) symmetry: Notes
10/10 Harrison Wang Duality in the 2D− Ising Model: Notes
10/24 Natalie Sanchez Pfaffians and the Dimer solution of the 2D−Ising Model: Notes
10/24 Cailan Li Review: Notes
10/31 Nil Gulal Tensor Products: Notes
10/31 Justin Beltran Dimer Solution and Circulant Matrices: Notes
11/14 Zelda Nelson The Transfer Matrix Approach to the 2D−Ising Model: Notes
11/14 Nil Gulal Tensor Products and the Heisenberg Spin Chain: Notes
11/21 Christine Zhang The XXX spin chain and Coordinate Bethe Ansatz: Notes
11/21 Cailan Li The Lax and Monodromy Matrices: Notes
11/28 Rizwan Kazi Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and the XXX spin chain: Notes
11/28 Charles Beck Z_n symmetry and more on the Gamma Function: Notes
12/5 Cailan Li The 6 Vertex Model and Quantum Groups: Notes