These are expanded notes prepared for a talk in a learning seminar on Kato's Euler systems, Fall 2016 at Columbia. We motivate the statement of Kato's explicit reciprocity laws and sketch his proof using -expansions. Our main references are [1] and [2].
Recall the classical quadratic reciprocity law: if ,
are odd positive coprime integers, then the quadratic residue symbols satisfies
An equivalent formulation in terms of Hilbert symbols (using the product formula) is that for
, the Hilbert symbol
More generally for a
-adic field containing
-th roots of unity, Kummer theory/class field theory provide the Hilbert symbol
The quadratic reciprocity law can be viewed an explicit formula for
in the case
. So the key to explicating higher reciprocity laws is to give explicit formulas for
in the wild case
. This is more difficult and such a prototype dates back to Kummer [3].
To facilitate generalization, let us reinterpret Kummer's formula as an explicit formula for the Hilbert symbol using a "dual exponential map". Consider the -th layer of the cyclotomic tower
). We have the
-th Hilbert symbol associated to
Fix a compatible system of
-roots of unity
. Sending
induces a (no longer Galois equivariant) pairing
Now fix the first factor to be
and take inverse limit over
(with respect to norm maps) for the second factor, we obtain a pairing
This gives a map
By precomposing with the exponential map
, we obtain a map
The trace pairing
, so at last we obtain a map
The classical explicit reciprocity law (Artin—Hasse [4], Iwasawa [5]) gives an explicit formula for this map (encoding the Hilbert symbol on the
-th layer). To state their formulas, let
be the ring of formal power series in the variable
. The ring homomorphism
as a free
-module of rank
and induces a norm map
Needless to say, the first step (though purely local) is by no means easy. The second step (constructing Euler systems) is even harder! (but see a series of recent works of Bertolini—Darmon—Rotger and Kings/Lei—Loeffler—Zerbes on generalized Kato classes).
Kato's explicit reciprocity law can be viewed as a generalization from the tower of cyclotomic fields to the tower of open modular curves
. Here we fix two positive integers
coprime to
roughly parametrizes elliptic curves together with a marked
and a marked
-torsion point
. Similarly define the tower of compact modular curves
. One needs
to avoid stacky issues but it is instructional to just think hypothetically as if
The map generalizing (1) is then given by
Kato's explicit reciprocity law ([1, Prop. 10.10]) says
To prove Kato's explicit reciprocity law, one uses the -expansion principle (a modular form is determined by its
-expansion). More precisely:
Analogous to (2), we obtain the map around the cusps, Here the construction of
is not so easy and needs
-adic Hodge theory over imperfect residual fields. For this reason it is a nontrivial task to check the compatibility with the usual Bloch—Kato dual exponential map in (2), but this is done in [1, 11]. If we take this compatibility for granted, then it remains to compute the map
Now we make obvious changes to in the classical case:
The main theorem of [2] (quoted as Prop. 10.12 in [1]) is the following.
Using this theorem one can finally finish the proof of Theorem 3 by choosing specific norm compatible functions:
[1]$p$-adic Hodge theory and values of zeta functions of modular forms, Astérisque (2004), no.295, ix, 117--290.
[2]Generalized explicit reciprocity laws, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. (Pusan) 1 (1999), 57--126.
[3]Ueber die Ergänzungssätze zu den allgemeinen Reciprocitätsgesetzen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 56 (1859), 270--279.
[4]Die beiden Ergänzungssätze zum reziprozitätsgesetz der $l^n$-ten potenzreste im körper der $l^n$-ten Einheitswurzeln, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 6 (1928), no.1, 146--162.
[5]On explicit formulas for the norm residue symbol, J. Math. Soc. Japan 20 (1968), 151--165.