These are my live-TeXed notes for the course Math G6761: Perverse Sheaves and Fundamental Lemmas taught by Wei Zhang at Columbia, Fall 2015. The final part of the course discusses the recent breakthrough Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions by Zhiwei Yun and Wei Zhang.
Any mistakes are the fault of the notetaker. Let me know if you notice any mistakes or have any comments!
(Updated: 03/22/2017: thank Tony Feng for helpful comments)
A fundamental lemma is an identity between orbital integrals on two different groups. For example, the endoscopic fundamental lemma arises from the stabilization of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula and endoscopic functoriality in the Langlands program. The Jacquet-Rallis fundamental lemma arises from the W. Zhang's relative trace formula approach to the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups. Both sides of the fundamental lemma can be thought of as counting the number of lattices satisfying certain properties.
In the equal characteristic case, the endoscopic fundamental lemma was proved by Ngo and the Jacquet-Rallis fundamental lemma was proved by Yun. These proofs use geometric methods (perverse sheaves) in an essential way. The advantage in the equal characteristic is one can endow the space of lattices in question with a geometric structure (e.g., the
-rational points of an algebraic variety, usually realized as the fiber of an invariant map from a certain moduli space of vector bundles to an affine space). These
-rational points then can be counted using Lefschetz trace formula.
In order to prove the identity between orbital integrals ("functions on orbits"), one instead proves the identity between perverse sheaves ("sheaves on orbits"). The miracle is that one can prove the identity between perverse sheaves by only verifying it over certain open dense subsets ("very regular" orbits), which can be easier. This reflects a uniqueness principle of orbital integrals: the "very regular" orbital integral determines the more degenerate ones. This principle, however, is hard to see directly from orbital integrals.
Intersection homology
The idea of perverse sheaves begins from Goresky-MacPherson's theory of intersection homology, which is a homology theory for singular manifolds with an analogue of Poincare duality and Hodge decomposition. More precisely, we define
To get a homology theory for pseudo-manifold with desired properties, one needs to consider only the chains that has nice intersection properties with the stratification.
To measure how "perverse" these intersections are, we introduce the
perversity, which is a function

such that
Given a perversity

, we define a


to be
-allowable if

We then define the
intersection homology groups

by considering only the

-allowable locally finite

-chains. When

is the middle perversity,

is often written as

for short. Similarly one can define the
intersection homology with compact support 
by considering only the

-allowable finite

- All intersection homology groups are finitely generated, independent of the choice the stratification. It gives the usual homology groups for manifolds without singularities.
is connected.
- (intersection product) Suppose
are perversities such that
is still a perversity. There is an intersection product
is the real dimension of
. When
, we have a non-degenerate pairing
In particular, when
has even dimensional strata, we have the duality between
be the category of sheaves of
-vector spaces on
. Two important examples:
- The constant sheaf on
, denoted by
- Locally constant sheaves on
. Recall that
is locally constant if for any
, there exists an open
such that the restriction map
is an isomorphism. Locally constant sheaves with stalks of finite rank are called local systems.
Repeating the construction of
-chains for each open
we obtain a sheaf
. We define a complex of sheaves
given by
is concentrated in the negative degrees). In particular,
is concentrated in negative degrees.

. Then there is an isomorphism
It turns out that the IC sheaf
(as an object in the derived category
) is topologically invariant. This topological invariance on the level of sheaves is more flexible and easier to prove.
(Deligne, Goresky-MacPherson)

. Let


). Let

be a perversity. Then in the bounded derived category

, we have
![$$\mathcal{I}_p\mathcal{C}^\cdot \cong \cdots\tau_{\le p(3)-n}(R j_3)_*\tau_{\le p(2)-n}(Rj_2)_* \underline{\mathbb{Q}}_{U_2}[n].$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_109724454_.gif)

is the usual truncation functor:

so that


. Inductively, let
![$\mathbb{P}_2= \underline{\mathbb{Q}}_{U_2}[n]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_94362267_-9.gif)

- An introduction to perverse sheaves, Rietsch (brief)
- Intersection homology, edited by Borel (detailed)
By checking at stalks, one finds that the cohomology of IC sheaves has support of dimension in a particular range depending on the perversity,
It turns out that we can characterize Deligne's sheaf
using the following four axioms:
is constructible with respect to the given stratification.
- The stalk
- The attachment map
(given by
) is a quasi-isomorphism up to degree
Our next goal is to rephrase axiom d as an axiom c' similar to c for the dual of
and use Deligne's construction to prove the topological invariance of IC sheaves.
Operations on sheaves and duality
We would like to define a dualizing functor
. We hope
to satisfy the following properties. Suppose
is a morphism. Then
Moreover, when
is a point, we should have
. Moreover, the natural transformation
becomes a bi-duality when restricted the constructible sheaves
It turns out there exists a dualizing sheaf
such that (at least for constructible sheaves)
It turns out that one can define
to be the sheaf of locally finite
. In particular, when
is a manifold,
is quasi-isomorphic to

be a local system on


be the dual local system. Let


be complementary perversity (i.e.,

is the top perversity). Then
Reformulation and topological invariance
Using the theorem that
and the properties of the dualizing functor. We find the axiom d for
can be formulated as a similar axiom on the costalk
In fact, by Remark 9 we have the exact sequence
One sees that axiom d is equivalent to
, then
Using the purity (since
is a manifold), we have
. Hence axiom d is equivalent to axiom c'.
Now suppose we are in the case of middle perversity. Let
We can (by shifting) translate the axioms c and c' to the axioms which don't mention the stratification:
Notice that a, b still depend on the stratification
. For example, when
is a manifold and
is the trivial stratification. Then the sheaves satisfying a, b, c2, c2' are of the form
for local systems
. The shift by the complex dimension ensures that the dualizing functor preserves
Given a local system

on an open

of real codimension at least 2, there exists a unique

such that

satisfying the axioms a, b, c2, c2' for any stratification

The uniqueness follows easily from the following lemma.

has codimension at least 2. If

is connected, then

is connected. Moreover, the natural map

is surjective. In particular, a local system on

at most one extension to

The connectedness of

follows from the long exact sequence in cohomology with compact support. The surjectivity follows from the connectedness and that any path can be deformed in codimension 2.
We can use Deligne's construction to prove the existence of
inductively. Suppose
is a local system on
. Then there exists a maximal open
such that
extends to
. We define
to be the maximal open of
such that
is a local system. Refining this idea, we obtain a coarser stratification by also requiring
is also a local system. Iterating Deligne's construction, we obtain a stratification given by
. The stratification thus obtained is the "coarsest" in some sense. This allows us to remove the dependence on the stratification and to show the topological invariance of IC sheaves.
Perverse sheaves
We now relax the axiom c2, c2' by allowing non-strict inequality. This modification is intended to include sheaves like
an IC sheaf on a closed
A sheaf

perverse if


The category of perverse sheaves is denoted by

is an abelian category (the heart of perverse
-structure on
defined by the support and cosupport condition), stable under Verdier dual.
- All simple objects are DGM complexes.
- Every object in
is a successive extension of simple objects.
A proper surjective morphism between two varieties

small (resp.
semi-small) if


) for any

. In particular,

is a generically finite morphism. For example, when

, small is equivalent to finite. When

, small morphism can only have dimension 1 fibers above finitely many points. One can check that a morphism is semi-small if and only if

and small if and only

Small morphisms are compatible with IC sheaves.

is small and has generic degree 1, then

. In particular,

Consider the case

is smooth. Then
![$f_! \mathbb{Q}[n]|_U=\mathbb{Q}[n]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_40684349_-5.gif)
. So by Theorem
5 it suffices to check the support and cosupport axioms for
![$\mathcal{E}=f_! \mathbb{Q}[n]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_186951887_-5.gif)
. By base change,
![$\mathcal{H}^{-i}(\mathcal{E})_y= H^{-i}(X_y, \mathbb{Q}[n])=H^{-i+n}(X_y, \mathbb{Q})$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_243337085_-5.gif)
. If

, then

, i.e.,

. The support and cosupport axioms then follow exactly by the smallness assumption.
The above theorem can be generalized to the following:

is small.

. Then


is a blow-up along a point

with fiber

. Then
![$Rf_* \mathbb{Q}_X= \mathbb{Q}_Y\bigoplus \oplus_{i=0}^{n-1} \mathbb{Q}_z[-i]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_129966404_-5.gif)
. This is no longer perverse and the extra terms
measures the failure of

being small.
In general we have the following decomposition theorem.
(Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne + Gaber)

is proper and surjective, then in

we have

is a direct sum of DGM complexes shifted by certain degrees:
(I was out of town and missed the two lectures on Oct 20 and 22. Thank Pak-Hin Lee for sending his notes to me. )
Springer fibers
Reference: PCMI 2015 lectures by Ngo, Yun and Zhu, transcription available on Tony Feng's website.
A important class of semi-small maps comes from holomorphic symplectic varieties.
holomorphic symplectic variety (over

) is a nonsingular variety such that there exists a closed holomorphic 2-form

satisfying that

is nonzero everywhere (i.e.,

is non-degenerate).

be a nonsingular variety over


. Then the cotangent bundle

is naturally a holomorphic symplectic manifold. In fact, let

be the local coordinates on


be the dual basis of

in the cotangent space, then

is a non-degenerate closed 2-form.
(Symplectic resolution)

be a proper surjective birational map. If

is holomorphic symplectic, then

is semi-small.
(Hilbert scheme of surfaces)

be a surface. Then symmetric power

becomes singular when some of the

-points on

collide. However, the Hilbert scheme

-points on

(which remembers infinitesimal information of the collision as well) is nonsingular. Moreover, one can show that
is a symplectic resolution of

Notice when

is a 3-fold, both the

are singular.
be a semisimple connected linear group over
. Fix a Borel subgroup
. Let
be the nilpotent cone. Then
is singular.

. Then

. Define the invariant map given by the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of


. Then

is the preimage of

, i.e., the set of all traceless matrices

such that

. When


, which is simply a 2-dimensional cone, with a simple singularity at 0.
In general the nilpotent cone
may have very bad singularities away from the regular nilpotent elements. Springer found a systematic way of resolving the singularities.

be the flag variety, parametrizing all the Borel subgroups of

. Define

Then the natural map

is an isomorphism on the regular nilpotent elements. It turns out that the natural map

is a symplectic resolution, known as the
Springer resolution. In fact,

. The fiber

is called a
Springer fiber.



. The simple singularity of the 2-dimensional cone at 0 is resolved.
Using the fact that
, one can check that
is indeed semi-small. One can generalize the construction of
and obtain a small map
Grothendieck-Springer fibration is defined to be
The Springer fiber
is always reduced. However, for the Grothendieck-Springer resolution
, the fibers may be non-reduced. Therefore we have a commutative (but not Cartesian) diagram

. Let

be the complete flag associated to

. Then for the regular element

, the Springer fiber satisfies

while the Grothendieck-Springer fiber satisfies the weaker condition

. For example, when

is 2-dimensional,

. Let
![$R= k[t]/t^2$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_133626828_-5.gif)
, then

has more than one points: it has an obvious point corresponding to

. It also has an extra


. We can compute the scheme-theoretical fixed points of


: since

, we have

, hence

. Therefore
![$\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}_\phi=\Spec k[y]/y^2$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_155216545_-5.gif)
Affine Springer fibers
be a finite field. One can easily see that the number of
-points in the Springer fiber is the same as fixed points of
on the set
, which can be rewritten as a simple orbital integral. Moreover, the finite set
can be realized as the
-rational points
of the flag variety
. Now we want to upgrade this to an "affine" version, i.e., for local fields of equal characteristic.
. We want to geometrize the infinite set
by an affine Grassmannian
. The analogue of the full flag variety
should be given by the affine flag variety whose
points gives
, where
is the Iwahori subgroup.
In terms of moduli interpretation, when
is the set of
-lattices in
, where the identity coset corresponds to the standard lattice
is the set of chain of lattices in
is length one
-module such that

be a

-algebra. Let
![$R[ [t] ]=\varprojlim R \otimes \mathcal{O}_F/(t^n)$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_230957158_-9.gif)
be the ring of power series in

. Let
![$R((t))=R[ [t] ][1/t]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_82847633_-5.gif)
be the field of Laurent sereis. Due to the completion process,

is larger than the naive base change


is not finitely generated.
We define an
-family of lattices in

is a finitely generated projective
![$R[ [t] ]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_7802510_-5.gif)

such that

. This is equivalent to the data

, where

is a vector bundle over

of rank


is a trivialization of

over the punctured disk.
We define the functor
. Then
has a reasonable geometric structure (though infinite dimensional).

is represented by an ind-scheme, i.e.,

, where each

is a projective scheme of finite type and each

is a closed immersion.
consists of
(projective as
-modules) such that
Due to this boundness, it can be viewed as the set of quotient
-modules of
(projective as
-modules). In other words, let
). Then
is the set of quotient projective
, such that the
-action (given by a nilpotent operator
) satisfies
. Observe that
is nothing but a union of generalized version of Springer fibers
is a Grassmannian of one-step flags (instead of full flags).

, we see

. Let

be a regular nilpotent operator on

. When

, we have
![$$\Gr^{(N)}=\mathrm{pt}\coprod \Spec k[y]/y^2\coprod \mathrm{pt}.$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_98721468_.gif)
In general


More generally,
(Affine Grassmannians)

is algebraically closed. Let

be a group scheme over

. We define the functor

such that

is the set of pairs

, where

is a

-torsor over


is a trivialization

, where

is the trivial

-torsor. In other words,

is the moduli space of

-torsor together with a rigidification. This may remind you of the definition of a Rapoport-Zink space, which is the moduli space of certain

-divisible groups together with a rigidification.
. So
acts on
(Affine Springer fibers)

, we define

to be the fixed points of


. It turns out that

is a closed subscheme of

We provide two more analogous constructions.
(Affine Schubert varieties)
By the Bruhat decomposition (over


The orbits of


are parametrized by elements in the Weyl group

. Let
![$$\inv: G/B\times G/B\rightarrow W,\quad ([g], [h])\mapsto B(g^{-1}h)B$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_47817986_.gif)
be the invariant map. Define the orbit associated to

to be the
Schubert variety, so

These are locally closed subvariety of

(defined by incidence relations) . Then

sits in the Cartesian diagram
One can analogously define affine Schubert varieties. By the Cartan decomposition
consists of the dominant co-characters of
, we have an invariant map
Then for
, define the affine Schubert variety by 
(Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties)

is finite. Define the
Deligne-Lusztig variety 
to be the subvariety of

given by

In other words, the Deligne-Lusztig variety sits in the Cartesian diagram
![$$\xymatrix{ X_w^\mathrm{DL} \ar[r] \ar[d] & \inv^{-1}(w) \ar[d]\\ G/B \ar[r]^-{(\Id, \Frob)} & G/B\times G/B.}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_127936342_.gif)
Deligne-Lusztig constructed all the irreducible representations of finite reductive groups in the cohomology (with local systems as coefficients) of Deligne-Lusztig varieties. The computation of the Deligne-Lusztig characters are naturally related to counting points of Springer fibers. Deligne-Lusztig varieties form one of the starting point of the geometric approach to representation theory initiated by Kazhdan and Lusztig.
One can then analogously define affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties using the point-wise condition. Affine Grassmannians and affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties are fundamental objects in geometric representation theory and in the study of local models of Shimura varieties.
An alternative definition of affine Grassmannians uses loop spaces and arc spaces. Let
be a field and
. Let
be a scheme. One would like to geometrize the sets
. We define the loop space functors
Similarly we define the arc space (or positive loop space) functor
These are presheaves under the fpqc topology.

, we have
![$\mathrm{L}^+X(R)=(R[ [t] ])^\times$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_140585346_-5.gif)
. Therefore

is in fact represented by a scheme

, given by the leading coefficient

and rest of the coefficients

. The points

are more complicated: they are Laurent series of the form

When taking the reduced structure, we find that

is an infinite copies of

More generally, we have
is represented by a scheme. It is affine if
is affine.
is represented by an ind-scheme.
- The affine Grassmannian
(as the quotient sheave under the fpqc topology).
Orbital integrals

is a local field. For


. Define the orbital integral

Notice that the convergence of this orbital integral is already an issue.
Let us consider the case


, and

is regular semisimple. In this case the centralizer


is the diagonal torus

. Since


-bi-invariant and

is compact, to show the convergence of the orbital integral, it suffices to show the convergence of

By the Iwasawa decomposition


is the unipotent radical of the Borel subgroup of

(i.e., group of upper triangular unipotent matrices for

), we know that the convergence is equivalent to

The key observation is that

and one easily compute

since each root group is an eigenvector under the adjoint action of the semisimple element

. For example, when


, we have


, we find the integrand is nonzero only when the above matrix has

-entries. This means that

, hence

is bounded and the integral converges.
Ngo showed that the action of
is not faithful. The action factors through the quotient
known as the local Picard group.


. Then


(i.e., the

-part acts trivially on

(Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson, Ngo)

is regular semisimple. Then
=({*})\cdot \mathrm{SO}_\gamma(\mathbf{1}_{\mathfrak{g}(\mathcal{O}_F)}).$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_217130172_.gif)
Namely, the

-points of the stacky quotient is in fact a stable orbital integral (i.e., a sum of orbital integrals over conjugacy classes

which are stably conjugate to

Instead of the loop group action, Kazhdan-Lusztig also considered the discrete action of the lattice
on the affine Springer fiber.

is proper and of finite type.

is a finite dimensional ind-scheme and is locally of finite type.
Hitchin fibers
The quotient
is a projective variety. It has singularities, but people still expect certain "purity" of its cohomology, which implies the fundamental lemma for regular semisimple elements in the maximal torus.
This purity is still unknown. To prove the fundamental lemma, one instead consider a global version of the affine Springer fibers. Suppose
is a smooth projective curve over a finite field with
. Consider
. The global analogue of affine Grassmannian
, the moduli stack of rank
vector bundles on
. It represents the functor
It has rational points 
A pair

is called a
Higgs bundle. The Hitchin moduli space

is defined to be moduli space of Higgs bundles:
For the
Higgs field 
, define its invariants

. So


. We call the affine space

Hitchin base. We have the invariant map to the Hitchin base
More generally, we can replace

by any vector bundle

. The resulting moduli space of Higgs bundles

is called the
-twisted Hitchin moduli space. The affine space

is called the
Hitchin base.
, then
, which is a finite dimensional
-subspace of
. So one can view
as a finite dimensional
-subspace of an infinite dimensional
. On the other hand, when varying
(allowing more poles) these finite dimensional
-subspaces will exhaust all elements of
. More precisely, one can define a family version of the Hitchin base by considering
be the open substack with
. It turns out
is the same as
(the effective divisors of degree
), hence is indeed a scheme. The complement of
is isomorphic to
(given by the zero section). More generally,

universal Hitchin base is defined to be

a family of Hitchin bases over

The fibers
of the invariant map (Hitchin fibers)
are the global analogue of affine Springer fibers.

with characteristic polynomial
![$\Char(\gamma)=P_a(T):=\sum_{i=0}^n(-1)^ia_i T^{n-i}\in F[T]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_257996032_-5.gif)
. Assume that

is elliptic (i.e.
![$P_a\in F[T]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_154240615_-5.gif)
is irreducible, equivalently

is an anisotropic torus). Then
Spectral curves
Today we will discuss a bit more on the spectral curve
mentioned last time. Starting next time we will do a concrete example: use the perverse continuation principle to prove Waldspurger's theorem for central values of
-functions on
in the function field setting.
Consider the total space of the line bundle


It is a

-fibration over

. This total space

sits in the projective bundle


). We have two affine charts given by the two coordinates



is given by the

. Let

We define the
spectral curve 
to be the zero locus of


is a reduced curve. The
compactified Picard (or Jacobian) stack 

is defined to be the stack of torsion-free coherent sheaves of rank 1 on

. When

is smooth,

. By a theorem Altman-Iarrobino-Kleinman, for reduced curves with only
planar singularities (which by definition is satisfied by the spectral curves), the usual Picard scheme

is always open dense in

. Hence

is naturally a compactification of

. Notice that in general

may have singularities.
a torsion-free coherent sheaf on
, the pushforward
is a torsion-free sheaf of rank
on the smooth curve
, hence is indeed a vector bundle of rank
. One can further construct an
-linear endomorphism of
with the given characteristic polynomial
using the action of
. In this way one can describe a Hitchin fiber as the compactified Picard of the spectral curve.

, we have

Waldspurger's formula via Jacquet's relative trace formula
be a quadratic extension of function fields, corresponding to an etale double cover of curves
over a finite field
. Let
be an anisotropic torus
(with a fixed embedding
). Waldspurger's formula relates the toric automorphic period
to central values of automorphic
-functions on
. We state a very special (unramified everywhere) case.

be an automorphic cuspidal representation of

that unramified everywhere. Let

, where


is unique up to scaling). Then up to some explicit constants we have an equality
Now we use the well known procedure of relative trace formula to remove the dependence on the automorphic representations
. Consider the distribution
and the kernel function is given by
The kernel function has a spectral decomposition
runs over an orthonormal basis of level one cusp forms on
. So we obtain the spectral decomposition
is the character determined by
One can repeat the same story for the period on the anisotropic torus. Define
Then similarly we have a spectral decomposition
By the previous remark, Waldspurger's certainly implies the relative trace formula identity
Conversely, using the linear independence of the automorphic representations, this identity is in fact also sufficient to prove Waldspurger's formula.
To prove this identity of two distributions, we use the geometric decomposition
Notice the generic stabilizer
is trivial and so the double integral is over
and factors as a product of local orbital integrals. One has a similar geometric decomposition for
We can parametrize the orbits
in a similar way. Consider the invariant map
consists of exactly one orbit when
. We call these
regular semisimple and the corresponding orbital integral is automatically convergent (regularization process is needed for other
). Write
It remains to compare the orbital integrals 
Geometrization for the split torus
Let us ignore the quadratic character
for the moment. So
. It is now convenient to lift the situation to
and consider for
is the diagonal torus in
In order to geometrize this orbital integral, we define an analogue of Hitchin moduli space.

such that


. Define the moduli space of pairs of rank two vector bundles together with a morphism:


are line bundles on

. For simplicity (since we only consider
regular semisimple orbits) we also impose the non degeneracy condition that

(which strictly speaking defines an open subset of

). Let

be the union of all such

's with

Now we define an analogue of the invariant map to the Hitchin base and an analogue of Hitchin fibers.

be the the moduli space of pairs

, where


. Let

be the moduli space of triples

, where

. We have a natural map

given by

We have an invariant map
, given by
. Let
be the fiber of this invariant map above

be an effective divisor on

of degree

. Let

(viewed as a

-subspace of

) be the fiber of


. Then
Now sending a point in
defines a map
By the non-degeneracy assumption on
, this induces an isomorphism
Now let
the moduli space of triples
such that
. The we have a commutative diagram
Here the right vertical map is induced by the addition map
. In this ways the analogue of Hitchin moduli space
becomes a simple construction using symmetric powers of the curve
By the previous theorem, we would like to study
Therefore we can forget about the orbital integrals and focus on the sheaf
. At this stage one can also insert the character
by taking a nontrivial local system
and then take
. Here
is the local system on
associated the the double cover
is the natural quotient map by
Now it it remains to study the simpler object:
is the addition map. This is nothing but the push-forward of a local system under a finite map, a simplest example of a perverse sheaf (after shifting by the dimension).
- Since
(the multiplicity free locus) is a Galois covering with Galois group
, we know that
is the middle extension
(by the perverse continuation principle). Here
and the local system
corresponds to the induced representation
(of dimension
- To deal with the nontrivial coefficient, we need to go to the double covering to trivialize the local system. So we have a Galois covering
which is Galois with Galois group
. Here
in a natural way, in other words,
is the wreath product
. Let
be the character that is nontrivial on the first
factors and trivial on the last
factors. The action of
has stabilizer exactly
. Hence we can extend
. Then the local system on
corresponds to the representation
. It is irreducible of dimension
(one check the irreducibility by computing the endormophism algebra to be a division algebra).
Geometrization for the nonsplit torus
Today we will geometrize the distribution
on the nonsplit torus as well and verify the identity
(at least for the regular semisimple orbits).
In order to geometrize the orbital integral
, we define an analogue of the space

be an etale double cover. Define

to be the moduli space

, where

and the map

is an element of


is the nontrivial Galois involution. Since we only consider regular semisimple orbits, we further impose the non-degeneracy condition


Now sending a point in
, we obtain an isomorphism (by an analogue of Hilbert 90)
where the map
is induced by the norm map
We also have the invariant map induced by the norm map
: ![$$\xymatrix{\mathcal{M}_d \ar[r]^-\cong \ar[d] & X'_ d\times_{\Pic_{X}^d}X'_ d \ar[d] \\ \mathcal{A}_d \ar[r]^-\cong& X_d\times_{\Pic_X^d}X_d}.$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_266241776_.gif)
Analogous to Theorem 19, we have

be an effective divisor on

of degree

. Let

(viewed as a

-subspace of

) be the fiber of


. Then
Similarly to the split case, we are now interested in the sheaf
, where
. When
is smooth,
is a projective bundle and the norm map
is smooth with kernel a Prym variety of dimension
. Therefore
is in fact smooth and hence
is perverse (after shifting by the dimension). The local system underlying
is the induced representation
Orbital integral identity for regular semisimple orbits
Now we have tow invariant maps with a common base ![$$\xymatrix{\mathcal{M}_d \ar[rd]_{\pi_\mathcal{M}} && \mathcal{N}_d \ar[ld]^{\pi_\mathcal{N}} \\ & \mathcal{A}_d&}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_25435713_.gif)
The identity
now becomes a statement purely about two perverse sheaves.
There is an isomorphism between perverse sheaves
This will follow from the even stronger claim.
By the perverse continuation principle, the proof of this theorem essentially boils down to representation theory of finite groups because the local system underlying both perverse sheaves have finite monodromy (trivialized after a finite covering). Namely,
This is much simpler statement to prove! Notice that both sides have dimension
. By Frobenius reciprocity, it remains to show that there is a
-equivariant embedding
which can be explicitly written down.
Orbital integral identity for non regular semisimple orbits
Now consider the case of non regular semisimple orbits, i.e., when the invariant
. Let us only consider the case
. The case
corresponds to three
-orbits, the identity orbit and two unipotent orbits represented by
. The case
corresponds to one
-orbit: the identity orbit (i.e.,
) under the decomposition
Now let us consider the moduli spaces for the non regular semisimple orbits. The moduli space for the nonsplit torus is again simpler. Let
be the space as in Definition 22 but only requiring that
are not zero simultaneously, i.e.,
. Our old nondegenerate moduli space is thus an open
. By definition we have
is the closed locus where
. Since
, we have
Now consider the invariant map
is sufficiently large,
is smooth and
is proper. By the same logic for the regular semisimple orbits, it remains to consider the norm map
and check if
is still perverse. Its restriction on
is given by the norm map
, whose fiber is certainly not finite (the kernel is the Prym variety of dimension
). But when
is sufficiently large, this map is still small. In fact, the smallness in this case means
, i.e,
. Now by the perverse continuation principle for small maps,
still decomposes as IC sheaves associated to the earlier finite group representation
Now consider the moduli space for the split torus. The situation is slightly more complicated. In this case
, which has infinitely many components (when
since there is only the zero section for a line bundle of negative degree).
Notice the the identity orbit gives no contribution to the orbital integral since we are inserting the nontrivial quadratic character
. So we require the four sections in
has at most one zero, which corresponds to the two unipotent orbits
. We impose further assumptions that
By these further assumptions if
is nonempty, then
. Again
is smooth when
is sufficiently larger and
is proper. For a point
. Assume
), the fiber at
is then
The second term is finite (since the addition map is finite). Therefore the fiber has dimension
. From this one can see that
is no longer small: 
Even though
is no longer small, we can check that the sheaf in question still satisfies the strict support condition in Deligne's uniqueness principle.
![$\mathcal{E}:=Rf_{\mathcal{N}_d,!}\mathbb{L}_\mathbf{d}[\dim \mathcal{A}_d]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_8358575_-5.gif)
. Then


, where

from the finite part

. The claim follows from the fact that

By Remark
44, the right hand side has only one possibly nonzero term
![$(\wedge^d H^1(X,\mathbb{L}))[-d]$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_2251459_-5.gif)
, which becomes zero when

Hence the orbital integral identity for non regular semisimple orbits follows by same finite group representations identity (Theorem 23)!
Moduli spaces of shtukas
In the final part of the course, we are going to generalize the previous trace formula identity to higher derivatives. For this we need to introduce the moduli space of shtukas. We begin with a rather general construction.

defined over a finite field

(usually a certain moduli space). Suppose

is a correspondence. We define the the moduli space of shutaks associated to

to be the fiber product
![$$\xymatrix{\Sht_C \ar[r] \ar[d] & C \ar[d]\\ \mathcal{M} \ar[r]^-{(\Id,\Frob_q)} & \mathcal{M}\times \mathcal{M}}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_75894715_.gif)
More generally, suppose there are


, we define

to be the moduli space of shtukas associated to the convolution correspondence

. For

, we define the Hecke stack

to be the moduli space of arrows

of vector bundles of rank

such that

. Similarly define

using the condition that


to be the Hecke stack of
upper (increasing) modifications, i.e.,


) is an injection such that

is a line bundle on the graph of a marked point

. Similarly define

to be the Hecke stack of
lower (decreasing) modifications.
We have two natural projections
and also a natural map
given by the location of modification.

are representable and proper. When

, both have relative dimension

(Here 1 comes from the choice the location of modification and

comes from the choice of the modification with at a fixed location, i.e., a line in an

-dimensional vector space).

be an even integer. Let

be a

-tuple of signs. Let

be the moduli space of shtukas associated to the convolution of

. In other words, an

-point of

corresponds to a

-tuple of modification of vector bundles

such that

Recall that (Remark 28)
itself is only an Artin stack (which has a lot of automorphism). The moduli of shtukas has better properties.
, Varshavsky in general)
is a Deligne-Mumford stack, locally of finite type.
- The projection map
is separated, smooth of relative dimension
(in fact, an

, the Hecke stack simply consists of isomorphisms

. So

consists of vector bundles on

such that

, which must come from pullback of vector bundles on

itself. Hence

is the discrete group

. This exactly puts us in the earlier situation of Waldspurger's formula when

. From this point of view, the study of automorphic forms (over function fields) is nothing but the study of degree 0 cohomology of the moduli of shtukas with

marked points.

, we have

given by the first line bundle

and the location of modification

. So we have the fiber diagram
![$$\xymatrix{\Sht^\mu \ar[r] \ar[d]& X^r \ar[d] \\ \Pic X \ar[r]^-{\Id-\Frob} & \Pic_X^0}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_146492787_.gif)
Here the right vertical arrow is given by

. In particular, considering the degree zero part (and rotating the previous diagram) we obtain the fiber diagram
![$$\xymatrix{\Sht^{\mu,0} \ar[r] \ar[d] &\Pic_X^0 \ar[d]\\ X^r \ar[r] &\Pic_X^0}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_159643958_.gif)
The right vertical arrow is exactly Lang's isogeny, whose kernel is the class group

of the function field

. This is a generalization of unramified geometric class field theory: when

, the etale map

has Galois group the class group

and realizes the Hilbert class field of

Next time we will introduce the Hecke algebra action on the moduli of shtukas and see how the equality of higher derivatives of
-functions and intersection numbers of certain cycles on the moduli of shtukas becomes a refined structure on the perverse sheaves we constructed using Hitchin moduli spaces.
Heegner-Drinfeld cycles and higher derivatives
with an embedding
. Fix a
-tuple of signs
. We have an induced morphism
is the etale double cover. This induces a map of moduli of shtukas
and we have commutative diagram
Notice the right vertical arrow has relative dimension
, whereas left right vertical arrow has relative dimension 0 (generically etale with Galois group the class group). Though
is not of finite type due to the instability, we can still talk about intersection number
is a proper smooth Deligne-Mumford stack (at least after dividing
Now let us define Hecke correspondence on


be two points in

. We define a degree

Hecke correspondence to be the collection of injections

such that

and the natural diagram
![$$\xymatrix{\mathcal{E}_0 \ar[r] \ar@{^(->}[d] & \mathcal{E}_1 \ar[r] \ar@{^(->}[d] & \cdots \ar[r] & \mathcal{E}_r \ar@{^(->}[d]\\ \mathcal{E}_0' \ar[r] & \mathcal{E}_1' \ar[r] & \cdots \ar[r] & \mathcal{E}_r'}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_44653489_.gif)
commutes. The stack of such degree

Hecke correspondences on

is denoted by

We define a Hecke correspondence version of

by taking the fiber product
is indeed a correspondence on
and thus defines a compactly supported cycle class of dimension
In particular,
acts on
. One can similarly define a more refined correspondence
for any effective divisor
. Recall the spherical Hecke algebra
is generated by
, where
runs over all effective divisors.
The map

is a ring homomorphism.
The map

induces a map

(like Heegner points are imaginary quadratic points of modular curves). We define the
Heegner-Drinfeld cycle to be the direct image of



. Then


is the intersection number of the Heegner-Drinfeld cycles

The ride hand side essentially corresponds to
. After spectral decomposition it follows that the intersection number of the
-isotypic component of the Heegner-Drinfeld cycle
(turns out to be independent of the choice of
) is essentially the
-th derivatives
at the center. More precisely, even though that we don't yet know the action of
on the entire Chow group
is automorphic, we can consider
the subspace of the Chow group generated by the Heegner-Drinfeld cycle. Let
be its quotient by the kernel of the intersection pairing.
We have

It then makes sense to talk about the
-isotypic component and using the Theorem 26 one can show that

an everywhere unramified cuspidal automorphic representation of

, we have up to a simpler factor
Orbital integral identity for higher derivatives
Our remaining goal is to prove that for
sufficiently large, we have
Notice the intersection number in question is given by the degree of the 0-dimensional scheme (in the proper intersection case) of the fiber product ![$$\xymatrix{([\Sht_T, \Sht(h_d)\Sht_T]) \ar[r] \ar[d] & \Sht(h_d) \ar[d] \\ \Sht_T\times \Sht_T \ar[r] & \Sht_G\times\Sht_G}$$](./latex/FundamentalLemma/latex2png-FundamentalLemma_198988265_.gif)
The key observation is that this fiber product can be viewed in an alternative way involving the Hitchin moduli space
. Look at the following
commutative diagram:
Here all the vertical upward arrows are given by
). The bottom row shows the fiber products of the three columns and the right column shows the fiber product of the three rows. The intersection in question is the fiber product of the bottom row, which should also equal to the fiber product the right column! (Of course this needs extra work to check after defining the intersection number in the right way, like the change of order of integration). We denote this common fiber product by
, which is a Hitchin version of moduli of shutaks. One can further decompose
into pieces, i.e., the convolution of
(consisting of only 2 by 2 diagram).
We have the following general Lefschetz trace formula for computing the intersection of a correspondence
with the graph of the Frobenius morphism.
(Lefschetz trace formula)
be the invariant map to the Hitchin base. Notice a correspondence
defines an endomorphism
. One can refine the Lefschetz trace formula relative to
This reduces the intersection number of Heegner-Drinfeld cycles to the study of the action of
on the cohomology the Hitchin moduli spaces, which one can then compare to the
-th derivative of the orbital integral on the split torus!

Recall that
is a perverse sheaf on
with generic rank
. Now the final key thing is that each such perverse sheaf
is an Hecke eigensheaf whose eigenvalue exactly matching up the extra factor
acts on

by the constant
