Well actually 3011 pages at this very moment. Also
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- 2226 commits since we started using git on May 20, 2008.
Since the last updateon October 12 we have added the following material
In particular my suggestion in this post worked out exactly as advertised. The existence of Rf_* is straightforward. It turns out that once you prove that the category D_{QCoh}(X) as defined in the blog post is equivalent to the version of D_{QCoh}(X) in L-MB or Martin Olsson’s paper (i.e. defined using the lisse-etale site), then you immediately obtain the existence of Lf^*. Namely, the existence of the lisse-etale site is used to prove that the Verdier quotient used to define D_{QCoh}(X) is a Bousfield colocalization (technically it is easier to use the flat-fppf site to do this, because we use the fppf topology as our default topology, but one can use either).
A bit of care is needed when working with the lisse-etale site and the lisse-etale topos. As discussed elsewhere, one reason is that the lisse-etale topos isn’t functorial for morphisms of algebraic stacks. Here is a another. There is a comparison morphism of topoi
g : Sh(X_{lisse,etale}) —-> Sh(X_{etale})
The functor g^{-1} has a left adjoint denoted g_! (on sheaves of sets) and we have g^{-1}g_! = g^{-1}g_* = id. This means that Sh(X_{lisse,etale}) is an essential subtopos of Sh(X_{etale}), see SGA 4, IV, 7.6 and 9.1.1. Let K be a sheaf of sets on X_{lisse,etale}. Let I be an injective abelian sheaf on X_{etale}. Question: H^p(K, g^{-1}I) = 0? In other words, is the pullback by g of an injective abelian sheaf limp? If true this would be a convenient way to compare cohomology of sheaves on X_{etale} with cohomology of sheaves on the lisse-etale site. Unfortunately, we think this isn’t true (Bhargav made what is likely a counter example — but we haven’t fully written out all the details).
Here is a simple example that shows that in order to obtain a derived functor Rf_* on unbounded complexes with quasi-coherent cohomology sheaves we need some additional hypothesis beyond just requiring f to be quasi-compact and quasi-separated.
Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0. Let G = Z/pZ be the cyclic group of order p. Set S = Spec(k[x]) and let X = [S/G] be the stacky quotient where G acts trivially on S. Consider the morphism f : X —> S. Then Rf_*O_X is a complex with cohomology sheaves isomorphic to O_S for all p >= 0. In fact Rf_*O_X is quasi-isomorphic to ⊕ O_S[-n] where n runs over nonnegative integers.
Now consider the complex K = ⊕ O_X[m] where m runs over the nonnegative integers. This is an object of D_{QCoh}(X) but it isn’t bounded below. So we have to pay attention if we want to compute Rf_*K. Namely, in D(O_X) the complex K is also K = ∏ O_X[m]. Since cohomology commutes with products, we see that
Rf_*K = ∏ Rf_*O_X[m] = ∏ (⊕ O_S[m – n]).
In degree 0 we get an infinite product of copies of O_S which isn’t quasi-coherent.
Conclusion: Rf_* does not map D_{QCoh}(X) into D_{QCoh}(S).
Of course if f is a quasi-compact and quasi-separated morphism between algebraic spaces, then this kind of thing doesn’t happen.