Publications and preprints of Giulia Saccà

  • with C. Camere, E. Brakkee, A. Grossi, L. Pertusi, and A. Viktorova, Irreducible symplectic varieties via relative Prym varieties, submitted. arXiv:2404.03157

  • with L. Flapan, E. Macrì, and K. O'Grady, The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, II, submitted. arXiv:2309.02238

  • with E. Arbarello, Singularities of Bridgeland moduli spaces for K3 categories: an update. To appear in ``Perspectives on four decades. Algebraic Geometry 1980 – 2020. In memory of Alberto Collino''. Progress in Mathematics. Birkhäuser.

  • Moduli spaces on Kuznetsov components are Irreducible Symplectic Varieties, to appear in ``Current developments in Hodge theory. Proceedings of Hodge theory at IMSA'', Simons Symposia Series

  • with G. Ancona, M. Cavicchi, and R. Laterveer, Relative and absolute Lefschetz standard conjectures for some Lagrangian fibrations, submitted. arXiv:2304.00978

  • with L. Flapan, E. Macrì, and K. O'Grady, The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, I, Math. Z. (2022) 300:3457-3495

  • Birational geometry of the intermediate Jacobian fibration of a cubic fourfold, with an appendix by C. Voisin, Geom. Topology 27-4 (2023), 1479-1538. DOI 10.2140/gt.2023.27.1479

  • with M. de Cataldo and A. Rapagnetta, The Hodge numbers of O'Grady 10 via Ngô strings, Journal Math. Pures Appl. (9), 156, 2001

  • with K. Hulek and R. Laza, A note on the Euler number of OG10, Mat. Contemp. 47 (2020), 151-170. arxiv

  • with J. Kollár, R. Laza, and C. Voisin, Degeneration of Calabi-Yau and hyperk\"ahler manifolds, Ann. Inst. Four, 68 (2018), no. 7, 2837-2882.

  • with G. Mongardi and A. Rapagnetta, The Hodge diamond of O'Grady's 6-dimensional example, Compositio Mathematica, 54 (2018), no. 5, 984-1013

  • with R. Laza, and C. Voisin, A hyper-Kähler compactification of the Intermediate Jacobian fibration associated to a cubic fourfold, Acta Mathematica, 218:1 (2017), 55-135

  • with E. Arbarello, A. Bruno, and G. Farkas, Explicit Brill-Noether-Petri general curves, Comment. Math. Helv. 91 (2016), no. 3, 477-491

  • with E. Arbarello, Singularities of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces and Nakajima quiver varieties, Adv. Math. 329 (2018), 649-703 arxiv

  • Relative compactified Jacobians of linear systems on Enriques surfaces, Trans. AMS, Vol. 371, no. 11 (2019), Pages 7791-7843

  • with E. Arbarello, and A. Ferretti, Relative Prym varieties associated to the double cover of Enriques surfaces, J. Differential Geom. 100 (2015), no. 2, p. 191-250.