Deformation theory learning seminar
10/12 (Fri) 4pm, Fine Hall Common Room: Sorting things out.
10/19 (Fri) 3:30pm, Fine 601: Formal deformation theory (Mohan).
10/30 (Tue) 10am, Fine 322: Examples of deformation functors (Shaoyun).
11/6 (Tue) 10am, Jadwin 111: Applications of elementary deformation theory (Kenny).
11/13 (Tue) 10am, Jadwin 111: Motivating the cotangent complex (Eric).
11/20 (Tue) 10am, Jadwin 111: The cotangent complex I (Linus).
11/27 (Tue) 10am, Jadwin 111: The cotangent complex II (Linus/Gyujin).
12/11 (Tue) 10am, Jadwin 111: Overflow / Artin approximation, Elkik algebraization and Néron desingularization (Gyujin).
1/23 (Wed) 1pm, Fine 314: Behrend-Fantechi I (Mohan).
2/?/2020: Behrend-Fantechi II (Mohan).
Suggestions for papers (feel free to email me if you would like to present any of these papers or those in the syllabus later):
De Jong, Crystalline Dieudonné module theory via formal and rigid geometry
Huybrechts-Thomas, Deformation-obstruction theory for complexes via Atiyah and Kodaira-Spencer classes
Nekovář-Nizioł, Syntomic cohomology and regulators for varieties over p-adic fields
Illusie, Complexe de de Rham-Witt et cohomologie cristalline
Pandharipande-Thomas, Stable pairs and BPS invariants
Chadouard-Laumon, Le lemme fondamental pondéré II. Énoncés cohomologiques
Hacking, Compact moduli of plane curves
Berthelot-Esnault-Rülling, Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type ≥ 1
Kisin, Integral models for Shimura varieties of abelian type