Invitations 2007-2024
January 2007
Colloque à l'Institut Henri Poincaré "Autour des prix de l'académie",
30 minute lecture on equidistribution of the number of points modulo p on an elliptic curve -
February 2007
Special program on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Erwin-Schrödinger-Institut, Vienne
Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves -
February 2007
Università di Padova,
Mini-course on the Sato-Tate conjecture -
May 2007
Number theory seminar, Cambridge University
Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves -
June 2007
Japan-France conference on Automorphic Endoscopy, CIRM (Luminy)
Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves, with applications.
July 2007
International conference on the Langlands program, Abdus
Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, TriesteTitle: Construction of automorphic Galois representations
October 2007
Seminaire de géométrie arithmétique, Université de Strasbourg
Title: Automorphie potentielle de puissances symetriques de dimension impaire de courbes elliptiques, avec applications.
March 2008
Algebra seminar, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Toward the Sato-Tate conjecture for pairs of elliptic curves
March 2008
Number theory seminar, Harvard University
Title: Endoscopic transfer and theta correspondences for close unitary groups -
March 2008
New York number theory seminar, CUNY
Title: Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for eigenvarieties: a cohomological construction -
March 2008
International conference on recent developments in number theory, March 25-29, UCLA
Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups, I
April 2008
Algebra/number theory seminar, University of Maryland
Title: Theta correspondences for close unitary groups -
April 2008
Automorphic forms and Galois representations seminar,
Princeton UniversityTitle: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves, with applications
June 2008
Mathematical Colloquium, Oxford University
Title: Towards the Sato-Tate Conjecture for pairs of elliptic curves -
June 2008
Workshop on "Non-commutative constructions in arithmetic and geometry" University College, London
Title: Langlands correspondences and Galois groups of number fields -
July 2008
Workshop on the Geometric Langlands Program (Satellite Conference of European Congress of Mathematicians)
Universiteit van Leiden (Netherlands)
Title: The stable trace formula, Langlands functoriality, and Galois representations Congruences between automorphic forms and deformations of Galois representation -
August 2008
Summer school, Banff International Research Station (Canada) The stable trace formula, automorphic forms, and Galois representations
Three lectures on relations between automorphic representations and Galois representations.
October 2008
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, University of Bonn
Title: Functoriality and construction of automorphic Galois representations -
February 2009
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Chicago
Title: Construction of automorphic Galois representations -
February 2009
Special number theory seminar, Northwestern University
Title: Automorphic realization of residual Galois representations -
May 2009
Number theory seminar, Oxford University
Title: Non-negativity of central values of unitary group L-functions -
June 2009
Arithmetic algebraic geometry, University of Bielefeld
Title: Theta correspondences for close unitary groups -
November 2009
Takagi Lectures, Tokyo
Title Arithmetic applications of the Langlands program -
December 2009
Aachen-Köln-Lille-Siegen seminar on modular forms
Title: On the Sato-Tate Conjecture -
March 2010
Conference in honor of Jean-Marc Fontaine, Orsay
Title: Automorphic motives and the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture -
September 2010
Courant-Colloquium, Göttingen
Title: Why number theorists care about the fundamental lemma -
November 2010
Distinguished lecture, UCLA
Title: Applications of the fundamental lemma to number theory -
November 2010
Conference in honor of Don Blasius, UCLA
Title: Period relations for automorphic motives -
November 2010
Colloquium, Université de Nancy
Title: Applications du lemme fondamental en théorie des nombres -
January 2011
Princeton-IAS number theory seminar
Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology -
March 2011
Boston College-MIT Number theory seminar
Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology -
March 2011
Mathematical colloquium, Columbia University
Title: Adjoint L-functions and families of Galois representations -
March 2011
University of Pennsylvania Number theory seminar
Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology -
August 2011
ELGA (First Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry and Applications, La Cumbre, Argentina)
Title: The Fundamental Lemma of Ngô and its applications to Number Theor -
October 2011
Galois bicentennial conference, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms -
December 2011
Conference in honor of the 70th birthday of M. S. Raghunathan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)
Title: Gross-Prasad periods and values of L-functions -
February 2012
Colloquium, University of New Brunswick
Title: Motives and automorphic forms -
February-March 2012
Coxeter lectures, Fields Institute, Toronto
Title: Open Questions about Motives attached to automorphic form -
June 2012
Kolloquium, Ludwig-Maximiliens-Universität, Munich
Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms -
August 2012
Arithmetic Geometry, Oberwolfach (Germany)
Title: Construction of Galois representations via Eisenstein cohomology -
October 2012
Fields Medal Symposium, Toronto
Title: In search of a Langlands transform -
October 2012
Princeton University Mathematics Colloquium
Title: In search of a Langlands transform -
October 2012
Princeton-IAS number theory seminar
Title: Central values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and period relations -
October 2012
Columbia automorphic forms seminar
Title: Central values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and period relations -
November 2012
Parshin Fest, Steklov Institute, Moscow
Title: In search of a Langlands transform -
January 23, 2013
Colloquium, University of Bonn
Title: In search of a Langlands transform -
January 24 and 25, 2013
Max-Planck-Institut Bonn
Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations (two lectures) -
May 2013
Columbia University, Conference on Hecke algebras in categorification and number theory
Title: Arithmetic Hecke algebras and representations of the absolute Galois group of Q -
June 2013
Conference, Aalto University (Finland)
Title: In search of a Langlands transform -
October 2013
Workshop: Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions, Erwin-Schrödinger Institute (Vienna)
Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg tensor products for GL(n)xGL(m) -
November 11, 2013
Special Colloquium, Yale University
Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms -
November 13, 2013
Number theory seminar, Harvard University
Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg tensor products for GL(n)xGL(m) -
January 2014
Conference in honor of H. Carayol and J.-P. Wintenberger, Strasbourg
Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups -
June 2014
p-adic Variation in Number Theory, Boston University, Conference in honor of Glenn Stevens
Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups -
August 2014
International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul
Invited talk, section 3 (number theory)
Title: Automorphic Galois Representations and the Cohomology of Shimura varieties -
November 2014
Working group on “Geometric Aspects of representations of p-adic groups”, MSRI
Title: Overview and Goals -
March 2015
p-adic methods in the theory of classical automorphic forms, CRM, Montreal
Title: p-adic properties of the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture -
April 28, 2015
Algebraic geometry seminar, Johns Hopkins
Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations. -
June 2015
Representation theory, number theory, and invariant theory, conference in honor of Roger Howe, Yale University
Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations -
June 2015
Arithmetic geometry, representation theory and applications, Luminy
Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups -
August 2015
AGRA II, Cusco, Peru
Title: Curvas de Shimura (mini-course) -
September 18, 2015
Lie groups seminar, Cornell
Title: Eisenstein cohomology and special values of L-functions -
September/October 2015
Clay Research Conference 2015, Oxford
Title: Modularity theorems in the function field setting -
November 4, 2015
Number theory seminar, Harvard
Title: Modularity theorems in the function field setting -
December 17, 2015
Number theory seminar, Princeton-IAS
Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting -
January 12, 2016
Séminaire AAMOT, IHES
Title: La méthode de Taylor-Wiles pour les corps de fonctions, et applications -
February 11, 2016
Seminar Québec-Vermont Number Theory
Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting -
April 15-16, 2016
Number Theory Days, ETH, Zürich
Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting -
May 23-27, 2016
Relative Trace Formula, Periods, L-Functions and Harmonic Analysis, Luminy
Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and automorphic periods -
June 6-10, 2016
AAMOT workshop on Geometric Methods in the mod p local Langlands Correspondance, CRM, Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa
Title: Opening remarks -
September 26-29, 2016
Clay Research Conference 2016, Oxford, Geometric Representation Theory
Title: Review of the mod p Langlands correspondence -
February 22-24, 2017
Bowen Lectures, Berkeley
Title: Automorphic Galois representations and Langlands correspondences -
March 16, 2017
Mini-conference Journées arithmétiques, Université Paris 13
Title: Modularity in the function field setting -
July 5, 2017
Seminar, University of Heidelberg
Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms -
July 6, 2017
Emil Artin lecture, University of Heidelberg
Title: Automorphic forms and Galois representations -
July 2017
3rd Nisyros Conference on Automorphic Representations & Related Topics (AAMOT workshop)
Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms -
August 2017
Special Cycles on Shimura Varieties and Iwasawa Theory, Lausanne
Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms -
February 2, 2018
Number theory seminar, University of Michigan
Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles -
April 23-27, 2018
Simons Symposium on Relative Trace Formulas, Schloss Elmau, Germany
Title: L-functions and periods of automorphic motives -
May 2018
Conference: Algebraic Groups and Geometrization of the Langlands Program, ENS Lyon
Title: Incorrigible representations -
May 29, 2018
Séminaire arithmétique et géométrie algébrique, Orsay
Title: Représentations incorrigibles -
July 2018
2018 ICM Satellite Conference in Number Theory, Rio de Janeiro
Title: Derived Hecke algebra for dihedral forms -
October 2018
Algebra seminar, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Modularity in the function field setting -
November 2018
Sixth Abel Conference: A Mathematical Celebration of Robert P. Langlands
› link
Title: Constructing and characterizing a local Langlands correspondence -
January 18, 2019
Seminar, Helsinki University
Title: Automorphic Galois representations and the Langlands program -
February 22, 2019
Derived Algebraic Geometry Seminar, MSRI
Title: Motivic cohomology and derived Hecke algebra for dihedral weight one forms
March 6, 2019
University of Oregon, Number Theory Seminar
Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting
March 27, 2019
Duke University, Number Theory Seminar
Title: Incorrigible representations
March 29, 2019
Duke University, Number theory seminar
Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles
May 28, 2019
Conference in honor of Jacques Tilouine, Université Paris-Nord
Title: Square root p-adic L-functions -
October 17, 2019
Automorphic p-adic L-functions and regulators, Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille
Title: Square root p-adic L-functions
January 2020
Joint Mathematics Meeting, special session on representation theory inspired by the Langlands program, Denver
Title: Local Langlands parametrization for G2
May 13, 2020
Fields Number Theory Seminar, Fields Institute, Toronto
Title Local Langlands parametrization for G2 -
October 18, 2020
Midwest Representation Theory Conference
Title Ramification of supercuspidal parameters -
November 18, 2020
Algebraic Geometry and Quantum Field Theory seminar (Warwick)
Title: Categorification of the Langlands correspondence and Iwasawa theory -
February 1, 2021
Title: Galois representations and torsion cohomology: a series of misunderstandings. -
July 5, 2021
Theta Series: Representation Theory, Geometry, and Arithmetic, Toronto
Title: Ramification of supercuspidal parameters
July 21, 2021
Mathematical Congress of the Americas, 2021
Title: Ramification of supercuspidal parameters
August 26, 2021
Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic, Oberwolfach
Title: Around local Langlands correspondences
October 13, 2021
Conference in honor of the 110th anniversary of S. S. Chern
Title: Derived structures in the Langlands program
October 14, 2021
Séminaire Représentations de Groupes Réductifs, Marseille
Title: Ramification de paramètres de représentations supercuspidales
October 25, 2021
Séminaire Groupes Réductifs et Formes Automorphes, Paris
Title: Ramification de paramètres de représentations supercuspidales
January 12, 2022
Special Number Theory Seminar, UCLA (online)
Title: L-functions and periods of automorphic forms
June 28, 2022
Conference on cohomology of symmetric spaces, ENS Lyon
Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields -
July 28-29, 2022
Summer school on the Langlands program, IHES
Title: Derived aspects of the Langlands program (joint with Tony Feng)
September 29, 2022
Algebra Seminar, University of Pittsburgh
Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields
September 30, 2022
Michalik Lecture, University of Pittsburgh
Title: What is the Langlands program about?
January 6, 2023
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston,
Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory
Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields
January 10, 2023
Alaoglu Lecture, California Institute of Technology, Title: Around local Langlands correspondences
January 12, 2023
Number theory seminar, California Institute of Technology
Title: Square root p-adic L-functions -
March 10, 2023
Conference in honor of G. Harder's 85th birthday, Max-Planck Institut , Bonn,
Title: On the local Langlands parametrization for G(Fq((t)))
April 12, 2023
Harvard Number Theory Seminar,
Title: Square root p-adic L-functions
May 1, 2023
Algebra-Number Theory seminar, University of Maryland,
Title: Weights and local Langlands parametrizations
September 22, 2023
Conference in honor of Labesse's 80th birthday, Luminy
Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets
October 25, 2023
Seminar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles -
November 29, 2023
Séminaire de théorie des nombres Paris-Londres
Title: Coherent cohomology and critical values of L-functions -
January 15, 2024
A Logic Day in Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Title: Understanding proofs (human and artificial) -
January 17, 2024
Special algebraic geometry seminar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Title: Una introducción a la correspondencia local de Langlands y curvas sobre cuerpos finitos -
April 9, 2024
Mathematical Colloquium, Purdue University
Title: What is the Langlands program about?
April 11, 2024
Automorphic forms and representation theory seminar, Purdue University
› link
Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets -
April 18, 2024
Cornell University Mathematics Department Oliver Club Lecture
› link
Title: What is the Langlands Program About? -
April 26, 2024
Seminario Conexión de GALoiS, Bogotá (online)
› link
Title: p-adic uniformization of Shimura varieties -
May 15-17, 2024
Bellow Distinguished Lectures, Northwestern University
› link
Title: L-functions, Galois representations, and the Langlands program -
May 16, 2024
Conference on p-adic L-functions for classical groups in the general admissible case, CIRM, Luminy (online)
Title: Square root p-adic L-functions
June 10-14, 2024
Simons Symposium on Periods and L-values of Motives, Schloss Elmau, Germany.
Title: Periods of automorphic forms and motivic periods
July 2, 2024
Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry, Tokyo (in honor of K. Fujiwara) (online)
Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets
July 10, 2024
Branching Problems for Representations of Real, P-Adic and Adelic Groups, Banff International Research Station (online)
Title: Restriction problems and d-bar cohomology
July 23, 2024
Arithmetic geometry, in honor of G. Faltings, Bonn
Title: Supercuspidal representations and Galois representations -
November 23, 2024
Séminaire Bourbaki
Title: Valeurs critiques des fonctions L de puissances symétriques de formes modulaires (d'après S.-Y. Chen)
› link
Philosophical talks and talks for non-specialists
February 1995
Volterra Lecture, Volterra Center, Brandeis
Title: “The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem in context”
June 1997
Symposium Histoire et Philosophie de Mathématiques et Physique,
Institut Henri Poincaré, La guerre des sciences n'aura pas lieu : autour de l'affaire SokalTitle: “Le contexte américain de l'affaire Sokal"
October 1997
Mathematics and Physics colloquium, Bir Zeit University (Palestine)
Title: “Fermat's Last Theorem: the proof in perspective"
July 2007
Mathematics and Narrative, meeting in Delphi between mathematicians, historians, and literary theorists organized by "Thales and Friends"
Title: “Do androids prove theorems in their sleep?"
March 2008
Séminaire "Théorie de la communication et théories de la connaissance" 1ère séance, Mathématiques et Physique théorique, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Participant, Round Table
July 2009
Two Streams in the Philosophy of Mathematics
University of Hertfordshire (UK)Title: Avatars
April 2010
Séminaire de philosophie des mathématiques - Université Paris-Diderot
Title: "Complexity as a guide to understanding proofs"
October 2011
Bicentenaire Galois
Institut Henri Poincaré, ParisTitle: "Galois representations and automorphic forms"
April 2014
October 6, 2017
New York Institute for the Humanities
Title: "Mathematics, unapologetic but not unethical"
April 20, 2018
Ethics in Mathematics, conference at Cambridge University (by videolink)
Title: "Mathematicians as beneficiaries and their patrons"
December 1, 2018
The Beauty and Unity of Mathematics, Helix Center (New York)
› link
Participant in roundtable discussion -
March 28, 2019
April 9, 2019
Public colloquium, Vassar College
› link
Title: Ethics in Mathematics
Slides -
June 7-8, 2019
Festival Manifeste, IRCAM (Paris)
À l’ombre d’une lecture (L’Immanence des vérités - Alain Badiou), quelles hypothèses sur le contemporain ?Title: Ce qu’il faut comprendre afin de distinguer les travaux d’Andrew Wiles des “déchets”
› link -
June 20, 2019
PhilMath Intersem 10 (Paris)
Title :Mechanization of Rigor (three-way discussion with Kevin Buzzard and Patrick Massot) -
June 26, 2019
Public lecture, Columbia Global Center Tunis
Title :La mathématique est-elle une discipline littéraire? -
October 5, 2019
Mechanization of Mathematics, Helix Center (New York)
› link
Organizer of roundtable discussion -
December 7, 2019
Mathematics and Other Realities, Helix Center (New York)
› link
Participant in roundtable discussion -
January 15, 2020
Joint Mathematics Meeting 2020, Denver
AMS Committee on the Profession, Panel Discussion on Ethics
May 30, 2020
Cross Atlantic Representation Theory and Other topics ONline (CARTOON)
"Global" panel: Challenges the math community faces in the future -
December 14, 2020
Discussant in panel celebrating the book Morality and Mathematics by Columbia philosopher Justin Clarke Doane
January 28, 2021
Perspectives in Mathematical Practices
Title: Should human beings be permitted to practice mathematics unaccompanied?
November 8, 2021
La philosophie de la pratique mathématique, seminar of Sir Timothy Gowers, Collège de France
Title: Ce qu'on pourrait dire sur la mécanisation des mathématiques
December 8, 2021
Moderator, post-screening discussion of Oliver Ralfe's film
"Barry Mazur and the Infinite Cheese of Knowledge," online and live at the IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette) and the ICMS (Edinburgh) -
August 2022
What is X? What are numbers? Justin E. H. Smith podcast
› link -
October 19, 2022
Discussant in closing panel discussion, 2022 Fields Medal Symposium, Fields Institute Toronto
May 19, 2023
Philosophies of Mathematics in Dialogue
Princeton, Department of Philosophy, Round table panelist, -
June 6, 2023
Mechanization of Mathematics? Kolloquium, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
September 26, 2023
October 21, 2023
Permanence and Impermanence of Mathematical Concepts, Helix Center, New York
Organizer of roundtable discussion
› link -
February 23, 2024
History and philosophy of mathematics 19th-20th centuries lecture series, Paris
Title: Mechanical understanding of proofs
April 22, 2024
Boston University
Workshop on "Mathematics with a Human Face,"
Comments on David Mumford's presentation -
June 18, 2024
Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 7th International Meeting, Pavia
Title: Mechanical understanding of Proof?
January 8, 2025
Joint Mathematics Meeting, Seattle
Panel on AI and Mathematical Publishing
January 9, 2025
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle
Special Session on AI and the Social Context of our Work, I