Invitations 2007-2024

  • January 2007

    Colloque à l'Institut Henri Poincaré "Autour des prix de l'académie",
    30 minute lecture on equidistribution of the number of points modulo p on an elliptic curve

  • February 2007

    Special program on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Erwin-Schrödinger-Institut, Vienne
    Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves

  • February 2007

    Università di Padova,
    Mini-course on the Sato-Tate conjecture

  • May 2007

    Number theory seminar, Cambridge University
    Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves

  • June 2007

    Japan-France conference on Automorphic Endoscopy, CIRM (Luminy)

    Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves, with applications.

  • July 2007

    International conference on the Langlands program, Abdus
    Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste

    Title: Construction of automorphic Galois representations

  • October 2007

    Seminaire de géométrie arithmétique, Université de Strasbourg

    Title: Automorphie potentielle de puissances symetriques de dimension impaire de courbes elliptiques, avec applications.

  • March 2008

    Algebra seminar, University of Pennsylvania

    Title: Toward the Sato-Tate conjecture for pairs of elliptic curves

  • March 2008

    Number theory seminar, Harvard University

    Title: Endoscopic transfer and theta correspondences for close unitary groups

  • March 2008

    New York number theory seminar, CUNY

    Title: Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for eigenvarieties: a cohomological construction

  • March 2008

    International conference on recent developments in number theory, March 25-29, UCLA

    Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups, I

  • April 2008

    Algebra/number theory seminar, University of Maryland

    Title: Theta correspondences for close unitary groups

  • April 2008

    Automorphic forms and Galois representations seminar,
    Princeton University

    Title: Potential automorphy of odd-dimensional symmetric powers of elliptic curves, with applications

  • June 2008

    Mathematical Colloquium, Oxford University
    Title: Towards the Sato-Tate Conjecture for pairs of elliptic curves

  • June 2008

    Workshop on "Non-commutative constructions in arithmetic and geometry" University College, London
    Title: Langlands correspondences and Galois groups of number fields

  • July 2008

    Workshop on the Geometric Langlands Program (Satellite Conference of European Congress of Mathematicians)
    Universiteit van Leiden (Netherlands)

    Title: The stable trace formula, Langlands functoriality, and Galois representations Congruences between automorphic forms and deformations of Galois representation

  • August 2008

    Summer school, Banff International Research Station (Canada) The stable trace formula, automorphic forms, and Galois representations

    Three lectures on relations between automorphic representations and Galois representations.

  • October 2008

    Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, University of Bonn
    Title: Functoriality and construction of automorphic Galois representations

  • February 2009

    Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Chicago
    Title: Construction of automorphic Galois representations

  • February 2009

    Special number theory seminar, Northwestern University
    Title: Automorphic realization of residual Galois representations

  • May 2009

    Number theory seminar, Oxford University
    Title: Non-negativity of central values of unitary group L-functions

  • June 2009

    Arithmetic algebraic geometry, University of Bielefeld
    Title: Theta correspondences for close unitary groups

  • November 2009

    Takagi Lectures, Tokyo
    Title Arithmetic applications of the Langlands program

  • December 2009

    Aachen-Köln-Lille-Siegen seminar on modular forms
    Title: On the Sato-Tate Conjecture

  • March 2010

    Conference in honor of Jean-Marc Fontaine, Orsay
    Title: Automorphic motives and the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture

  • September 2010

    Courant-Colloquium, Göttingen
    Title: Why number theorists care about the fundamental lemma

  • November 2010

    Distinguished lecture, UCLA
    Title: Applications of the fundamental lemma to number theory

  • November 2010

    Conference in honor of Don Blasius, UCLA
    Title: Period relations for automorphic motives

  • November 2010

    Colloquium, Université de Nancy
    Title: Applications du lemme fondamental en théorie des nombres

  • January 2011

    Princeton-IAS number theory seminar
    Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology

  • March 2011

    Boston College-MIT Number theory seminar
    Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology

  • March 2011

    Mathematical colloquium, Columbia University
    Title: Adjoint L-functions and families of Galois representations

  • March 2011

    University of Pennsylvania Number theory seminar
    Title: The Taylor-Wiles method for coherent cohomology

  • August 2011

    ELGA (First Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry and Applications, La Cumbre, Argentina)
    Title: The Fundamental Lemma of Ngô and its applications to Number Theor

  • October 2011

    Galois bicentennial conference, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
    Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms

  • December 2011

    Conference in honor of the 70th birthday of M. S. Raghunathan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)
    Title: Gross-Prasad periods and values of L-functions

  • February 2012

    Colloquium, University of New Brunswick
    Title: Motives and automorphic forms

  • February-March 2012

    Coxeter lectures, Fields Institute, Toronto
    Title: Open Questions about Motives attached to automorphic form

  • June 2012

    Kolloquium, Ludwig-Maximiliens-Universität, Munich
    Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms

  • August 2012

    Arithmetic Geometry, Oberwolfach (Germany)
    Title: Construction of Galois representations via Eisenstein cohomology

  • October 2012

    Fields Medal Symposium, Toronto
    Title: In search of a Langlands transform

  • October 2012

    Princeton University Mathematics Colloquium
    Title: In search of a Langlands transform

  • October 2012

    Princeton-IAS number theory seminar
    Title: Central values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and period relations

  • October 2012

    Columbia automorphic forms seminar
    Title: Central values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and period relations

  • November 2012

    Parshin Fest, Steklov Institute, Moscow
    Title: In search of a Langlands transform

  • January 23, 2013

    Colloquium, University of Bonn
    Title: In search of a Langlands transform

  • January 24 and 25, 2013

    Max-Planck-Institut Bonn
    Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations (two lectures)

  • May 2013

    Columbia University, Conference on Hecke algebras in categorification and number theory
    Title: Arithmetic Hecke algebras and representations of the absolute Galois group of Q

  • June 2013

    Conference, Aalto University (Finland)
    Title: In search of a Langlands transform

  • October 2013

    Workshop: Advances in the theory of automorphic forms and their L-functions, Erwin-Schrödinger Institute (Vienna)
    Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg tensor products for GL(n)xGL(m)

  • November 11, 2013

    Special Colloquium, Yale University
    Title: Galois representations and automorphic forms

  • November 13, 2013

    Number theory seminar, Harvard University
    Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg tensor products for GL(n)xGL(m)

  • January 2014

    Conference in honor of H. Carayol and J.-P. Wintenberger, Strasbourg
    Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups

  • June 2014

    p-adic Variation in Number Theory, Boston University, Conference in honor of Glenn Stevens
    Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups

  • August 2014

    International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul
    Invited talk, section 3 (number theory)

    Title: Automorphic Galois Representations and the Cohomology of Shimura varieties

  • November 2014

    Working group on “Geometric Aspects of representations of p-adic groups”, MSRI
    Title: Overview and Goals

  • March 2015

    p-adic methods in the theory of classical automorphic forms, CRM, Montreal
    Title: p-adic properties of the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture

  • April 28, 2015

    Algebraic geometry seminar, Johns Hopkins
    Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations.

  • June 2015

    Representation theory, number theory, and invariant theory, conference in honor of Roger Howe, Yale University
    Title: Eisenstein cohomology and construction of Galois representations

  • June 2015

    Arithmetic geometry, representation theory and applications, Luminy
    Title: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups

  • August 2015

    AGRA II, Cusco, Peru
    Title: Curvas de Shimura (mini-course)

  • September 18, 2015

    Lie groups seminar, Cornell
    Title: Eisenstein cohomology and special values of L-functions

  • September/October 2015

    Clay Research Conference 2015, Oxford
    Title: Modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • November 4, 2015

    Number theory seminar, Harvard
    Title: Modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • December 17, 2015

    Number theory seminar, Princeton-IAS
    Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • January 12, 2016

    Séminaire AAMOT, IHES
    Title: La méthode de Taylor-Wiles pour les corps de fonctions, et applications

  • February 11, 2016

    Seminar Québec-Vermont Number Theory
    Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • April 15-16, 2016

    Number Theory Days, ETH, Zürich
    Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • May 23-27, 2016

    Relative Trace Formula, Periods, L-Functions and Harmonic Analysis, Luminy
    Title: Special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions and automorphic periods

  • June 6-10, 2016

    AAMOT workshop on Geometric Methods in the mod p local Langlands Correspondance, CRM, Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa
    Title: Opening remarks

  • September 26-29, 2016

    Clay Research Conference 2016, Oxford, Geometric Representation Theory
    Title: Review of the mod p Langlands correspondence

  • February 22-24, 2017

    Bowen Lectures, Berkeley
    Title: Automorphic Galois representations and Langlands correspondences

  • March 16, 2017

    Mini-conference Journées arithmétiques, Université Paris 13
    Title: Modularity in the function field setting

  • July 5, 2017

    Seminar, University of Heidelberg
    Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms

  • July 6, 2017

    Emil Artin lecture, University of Heidelberg
    Title: Automorphic forms and Galois representations

  • July 2017

    3rd Nisyros Conference on Automorphic Representations & Related Topics (AAMOT workshop)
    Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms

  • August 2017

    Special Cycles on Shimura Varieties and Iwasawa Theory, Lausanne
    Title: Derived Hecke algebras for weight one forms

  • February 2, 2018

    Number theory seminar, University of Michigan
    Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles

  • April 23-27, 2018

    Simons Symposium on Relative Trace Formulas, Schloss Elmau, Germany
    Title: L-functions and periods of automorphic motives

  • May 2018

    Conference: Algebraic Groups and Geometrization of the Langlands Program, ENS Lyon
    Title: Incorrigible representations

  • May 29, 2018

    Séminaire arithmétique et géométrie algébrique, Orsay
    Title: Représentations incorrigibles

  • July 2018

    2018 ICM Satellite Conference in Number Theory, Rio de Janeiro
    Title: Derived Hecke algebra for dihedral forms

  • October 2018

    Algebra seminar, University of Pennsylvania
    Title: Modularity in the function field setting

  • November 2018

    Sixth Abel Conference: A Mathematical Celebration of Robert P. Langlands
    Title: Constructing and characterizing a local Langlands correspondence

    › link
  • January 18, 2019

    Seminar, Helsinki University
    Title: Automorphic Galois representations and the Langlands program

  • February 22, 2019

    Derived Algebraic Geometry Seminar, MSRI

    Title: Motivic cohomology and derived Hecke algebra for dihedral weight one forms

  • March 6, 2019

    University of Oregon, Number Theory Seminar

    Title: Modularity and potential modularity theorems in the function field setting

  • March 27, 2019

    Duke University, Number Theory Seminar

    Title: Incorrigible representations

  • March 29, 2019

    Duke University, Number theory seminar

    Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles

  • May 28, 2019

    Conference in honor of Jacques Tilouine, Université Paris-Nord
    Title: Square root p-adic L-functions

  • October 17, 2019

    Automorphic p-adic L-functions and regulators, Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille

    Title: Square root p-adic L-functions

  • January 2020

    Joint Mathematics Meeting, special session on representation theory inspired by the Langlands program, Denver

    Title: Local Langlands parametrization for G2

  • May 13, 2020

    Fields Number Theory Seminar, Fields Institute, Toronto
    Title Local Langlands parametrization for G2

  • October 18, 2020

    Midwest Representation Theory Conference
    Title Ramification of supercuspidal parameters

  • November 18, 2020

    Algebraic Geometry and Quantum Field Theory seminar (Warwick)
    Title: Categorification of the Langlands correspondence and Iwasawa theory

  • February 1, 2021

    UCLA CHAT Talk
    Title: Galois representations and torsion cohomology: a series of misunderstandings.

  • July 5, 2021

    Theta Series: Representation Theory, Geometry, and Arithmetic, Toronto

    Title: Ramification of supercuspidal parameters

  • July 21, 2021

    Mathematical Congress of the Americas, 2021

    Title: Ramification of supercuspidal parameters

  • August 26, 2021

    Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic, Oberwolfach

    Title: Around local Langlands correspondences

  • October 13, 2021

    Conference in honor of the 110th anniversary of S. S. Chern

    Title: Derived structures in the Langlands program

  • October 14, 2021

    Séminaire Représentations de Groupes Réductifs, Marseille

    Title: Ramification de paramètres de représentations supercuspidales

  • October 25, 2021

    Séminaire Groupes Réductifs et Formes Automorphes, Paris

    Title: Ramification de paramètres de représentations supercuspidales

  • January 12, 2022

    Special Number Theory Seminar, UCLA (online)

    Title: L-functions and periods of automorphic forms

  • June 28, 2022

    Conference on cohomology of symmetric spaces, ENS Lyon
    Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields

  • July 28-29, 2022

    Summer school on the Langlands program, IHES

    Title: Derived aspects of the Langlands program (joint with Tony Feng)

  • September 29, 2022

    Algebra Seminar, University of Pittsburgh

    Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields

  • September 30, 2022

    Michalik Lecture, University of Pittsburgh

    Title: What is the Langlands program about?

  • January 6, 2023

    Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston,

    Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory

    Title: On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields

  • January 10, 2023

    Alaoglu Lecture, California Institute of Technology, Title: Around local Langlands correspondences

  • January 12, 2023

    Number theory seminar, California Institute of Technology
    Title: Square root p-adic L-functions

  • March 10, 2023

    Conference in honor of G. Harder's 85th birthday, Max-Planck Institut , Bonn,

    Title: On the local Langlands parametrization for G(Fq((t)))

  • April 12, 2023

    Harvard Number Theory Seminar,

    Title: Square root p-adic L-functions

  • May 1, 2023

    Algebra-Number Theory seminar, University of Maryland,

    Title: Weights and local Langlands parametrizations

  • September 22, 2023

    Conference in honor of Labesse's 80th birthday, Luminy

    Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets

  • October 25, 2023

    Seminar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Title: Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles

  • November 29, 2023

    Séminaire de théorie des nombres Paris-Londres

    Title: Coherent cohomology and critical values of L-functions

  • January 15, 2024

    A Logic Day in Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    Title: Understanding proofs (human and artificial)

  • January 17, 2024

    Special algebraic geometry seminar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    Title: Una introducción a la correspondencia local de Langlands y curvas sobre cuerpos finitos

  • April 9, 2024

    Mathematical Colloquium, Purdue University

    Title: What is the Langlands program about?

  • April 11, 2024

    Automorphic forms and representation theory seminar, Purdue University
    Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets

    › link
  • April 18, 2024

    Cornell University Mathematics Department Oliver Club Lecture
    Title: What is the Langlands Program About?

    › link
  • April 26, 2024

    Seminario Conexión de GALoiS, Bogotá (online)
    Title: p-adic uniformization of Shimura varieties

    › link
  • May 15-17, 2024

    Bellow Distinguished Lectures, Northwestern University
    Title: L-functions, Galois representations, and the Langlands program

    › link
  • May 16, 2024

    Conference on p-adic L-functions for classical groups in the general admissible case, CIRM, Luminy (online)

    Title: Square root p-adic L-functions

  • June 10-14, 2024

    Simons Symposium on Periods and L-values of Motives, Schloss Elmau, Germany.

    Title: Periods of automorphic forms and motivic periods

  • July 2, 2024

    Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry, Tokyo (in honor of K. Fujiwara) (online)

    Title: Construction of supercuspidal L-packets

  • July 10, 2024

    Branching Problems for Representations of Real, P-Adic and Adelic Groups, Banff International Research Station (online)

    Title: Restriction problems and d-bar cohomology

  • July 23, 2024

    Arithmetic geometry, in honor of G. Faltings, Bonn
    Title: Supercuspidal representations and Galois representations

  • November 23, 2024

    Séminaire Bourbaki

    Title: Valeurs critiques des fonctions L de puissances symétriques de formes modulaires (d'après S.-Y. Chen)

    › link

Philosophical talks and talks for non-specialists

  • February 1995

    Volterra Lecture, Volterra Center, Brandeis

    Title: “The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem in context

  • June 1997

    Symposium Histoire et Philosophie de Mathématiques et Physique,
    Institut Henri Poincaré, La guerre des sciences n'aura pas lieu : autour de l'affaire Sokal

    Title: “Le contexte américain de l'affaire Sokal"

  • October 1997

    Mathematics and Physics colloquium, Bir Zeit University (Palestine)

    Title: “Fermat's Last Theorem: the proof in perspective"

  • July 2007

    Mathematics and Narrative, meeting in Delphi between mathematicians, historians, and literary theorists organized by "Thales and Friends"

    Title: “Do androids prove theorems in their sleep?"

  • March 2008

    Séminaire "Théorie de la communication et théories de la connaissance" 1ère séance, Mathématiques et Physique théorique, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris

    Participant, Round Table

  • July 2009

    Two Streams in the Philosophy of Mathematics
    University of Hertfordshire (UK)

    Title: Avatars

  • April 2010

    Séminaire de philosophie des mathématiques - Université Paris-Diderot

    Title: "Complexity as a guide to understanding proofs"

  • October 2011

    Bicentenaire Galois
    Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris

    Title: "Galois representations and automorphic forms"

  • April 2014

    Conference on Mathematical Cultures III (London)

    Title: "The science of tricks"

    › link
  • October 6, 2017

    New York Institute for the Humanities

    Title: "Mathematics, unapologetic but not unethical"

  • April 20, 2018

    Ethics in Mathematics, conference at Cambridge University (by videolink)

    Title: "Mathematicians as beneficiaries and their patrons"

  • December 1, 2018

    The Beauty and Unity of Mathematics, Helix Center (New York)

    Participant in roundtable discussion

    › link
  • March 28, 2019

    Spring PLUM talk, Duke University

    • Title: Mechanical Mathematicians
    › link
  • Slides

  • April 9, 2019

    Public colloquium, Vassar College
    Title: Ethics in Mathematics

    › link
  • June 7-8, 2019

    Festival Manifeste, IRCAM (Paris)

    À l’ombre d’une lecture (L’Immanence des vérités - Alain Badiou), quelles hypothèses sur le contemporain ?

    Title: Ce qu’il faut comprendre afin de distinguer les travaux d’Andrew Wiles des “déchets”

    › link
  • June 20, 2019

    PhilMath Intersem 10 (Paris)
    Title :Mechanization of Rigor (three-way discussion with Kevin Buzzard and Patrick Massot)

  • June 26, 2019

    Public lecture, Columbia Global Center Tunis
    Title :La mathématique est-elle une discipline littéraire?

  • October 5, 2019

    Mechanization of Mathematics, Helix Center (New York)
    Organizer of roundtable discussion

    › link
  • December 7, 2019

    Mathematics and Other Realities, Helix Center (New York)
    Participant in roundtable discussion

    › link
  • January 15, 2020

    Joint Mathematics Meeting 2020, Denver

    AMS Committee on the Profession, Panel Discussion on Ethics

  • May 30, 2020

    Cross Atlantic Representation Theory and Other topics ONline (CARTOON)
    "Global" panel: Challenges the math community faces in the future

  • December 14, 2020

    Discussant in panel celebrating the book Morality and Mathematics by Columbia philosopher Justin Clarke Doane

  • January 28, 2021

    Perspectives in Mathematical Practices

    Title: Should human beings be permitted to practice mathematics unaccompanied?

  • November 8, 2021

    La philosophie de la pratique mathématique, seminar of Sir Timothy Gowers, Collège de France

    Title: Ce qu'on pourrait dire sur la mécanisation des mathématiques

  • December 8, 2021

    Moderator, post-screening discussion of Oliver Ralfe's film
    "Barry Mazur and the Infinite Cheese of Knowledge," online and live at the IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette) and the ICMS (Edinburgh)

  • August 2022

    What is X? What are numbers? Justin E. H. Smith podcast

    › link
  • October 19, 2022

    Discussant in closing panel discussion, 2022 Fields Medal Symposium, Fields Institute Toronto

  • May 19, 2023

    Philosophies of Mathematics in Dialogue
    Princeton, Department of Philosophy, Round table panelist,

  • June 6, 2023

    Mechanization of Mathematics? Kolloquium, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen

  • September 26, 2023

    @1014 Fifth Avenue

    Conversation: Bach and Beauty, round table discussion

    › link
  • October 21, 2023

    Permanence and Impermanence of Mathematical Concepts, Helix Center, New York

    Organizer of roundtable discussion

    › link
  • February 23, 2024

    History and philosophy of mathematics 19th-20th centuries lecture series, Paris

    Title: Mechanical understanding of proofs

  • April 22, 2024

    Boston University

    Workshop on "Mathematics with a Human Face,"
    Comments on David Mumford's presentation

  • June 18, 2024

    Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 7th International Meeting, Pavia

    Title: Mechanical understanding of Proof?

  • January 8, 2025

    Joint Mathematics Meeting, Seattle

    Panel on AI and Mathematical Publishing

  • January 9, 2025

    Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle

    Special Session on AI and the Social Context of our Work, I