About Me:
I am a 6th year mathematics PhD student at Columbia University, advised by Ivan Corwin. My research mainly focuses on interacting particle systems and their scaling limits to solutions of stochastic partial differential equations. I am supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-2036197. You can find my CV here.
Contact Information:
Email Address: hindy.drillick at columbia.edu
- Fall 2024: Teaching assistant for Linear Algebra (MATHUN2010)
- Fall 2023: Teaching assistant for Linear Algebra (MATHUN2010)
- Spring 2023: Section leader for Undergraduate Seminars: Markov Chains (MATH UN3952)
- Fall 2022: Instructor for Calculus 2 (MATHUN1102)
- Spring 2022: Section leader for Undergraduate Seminars: Random Walks and the Heat Equation (MATH UN3952)
- Fall 2020: Teaching assistant for Calculus 1 (MATHUN1101)
- Spring 2021: Student Probability Seminar
- Fall 2020: Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium
- Spring 2020: Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium
- The stochastic six-vertex model speed process (with Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz), 2024, [arXiv:2408.10186]
Publications / To Appear:
- Extreme diffusion measures statistical fluctuations of the environment (with Jacob Hass, Ivan Corwin, and Eric Corwin), 2024+, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., [arXiv:2406.17733]
- KPZ equation limit of random walks in random environments (with Sayan Das and Shalin Parekh), 2024+, to appear in Probab. Theory Related Fields, [arXiv:2311.09151]
- KPZ equation limit of sticky Brownian motion (with Sayan Das and Shalin Parekh), Journal of Functional Analysis (2024), 87(10):Paper No. 110609, [Published version], [arXiv:2304.14279]
- Hydrodynamics of the t-PNG model via a colored t-PNG model (with Yier Lin), Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques (2024), 60(2):1215-1245, [Published version], [arXiv:2204.11158]
- Strong law of large numbers for the stochastic six vertex model (with Yier Lin), Electron. J. Probab. (2023), Paper No. 148, 21, [Published version], [arXiv:2212.09905]
- Non-rigid rank-one infinite measures on the circle (with Alonso Espinosa-Dominguez, Jennifer N. Jones-Baro, James Leng, Yelena Mandelshtam, and Cesar E. Silva), 2018, to appear in Dynamical Systems, [arXiv:1810.11095]
- Falconer's (K,d) distance set conjecture can fail for strictly convex sets K in R^d (with Christopher J. Bishop and Dimitrios Ntalampekos), Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 37 (2021), no. 5, 1953-1968, [Published version], [Preprint]
- Every planar set has a conformally removable subset with the same Hausdorff dimension. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (2021), 787-791, [Published version], [arXiv:1912.00301]