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Spring Semester 2023 Student Probability Seminar

Welcome to the Columbia Student Probability Seminar. This seminar is the continuation of the seminar in Fall 2022. In this seminar, we will continue our studying of the Macdonald Processes. We will use the classical paper written by Alexei Borodin and Ivan Corwin. Our talks will be held in room 417 on Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm(EST). The first talk will start on 02/08/2023.

Schedule of Talks

Date Speaker content
02/08/2023 Zeo Himwich We will discuss Macdonald Process, Macdonald measure, Macdonald ascending measure, and commuting Markov operators on partitions.
02/15/2023 Jiyue Zeng We will talk about the Markovian dynamics on sequences of partitions and give an example in terms of Schur process.
02/22/2023 Zongrui Yang We will talk about the Macdonald difference operators and their integral forms. Then we will start on chapter 3, q-Whittaker processes.
03/08/2023 Zongrui Yang We will discuss moment formulas and the general Fredholm determinant formula.
Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break
03/22/2023 Weitao Zhu We will talk about the geometry of polymers and other results in the KPZ universality class.
03/28/2023 Victor Hugo de Souza Daniel We will talk about the Fredholm determinant, small integral formula, and large integral formula.
04/05/2023 Jiyue Zeng We will talk about continuous time Markov process on sequences of partitions, the q-Whittaker growth model, and q-TASEP.
04/12/2023 Zeo Himwich Introduction of Whittaker process, Whittaker functions, and Whittaker measure. We will show that the Whittaker measure is a probability measure.
04/19/2023 Jiyue Zeng, Nathan Soedjak, Victor Hugo de Souza Daniel, Chen Shang We will give four short talks on various topics including discussions on mixing times for TASEP on a segment and on a circle.