Probability Theory (Math W4155) - Spring 2015
The purpose of this course is to provide a mathematically rigorous
introduction to the basic notions and results of probability theory. We
shall discuss probability spaces and random variables, measure theory
and integration, probabilistic concepts such as
independence, conditional expectation or moments, fundamental
results like the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem,
and basic models such as random walks and Markov chains.
- Instructor: Marcel Nutz
- Office
hours: Tuesdays: by appointment. Thursdays: 9:55-10:45am, Room 618 Math
- Meeting time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:40-9:55am
- Room: 520 Math
- Teaching Assistant: Cameron Bruggeman
- Recitation: TBA
- Help with the course
material is also available at the Mathematics
Help Room
General Information
- Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic notions of
analysis and rigorous proofs. Official prerequisites are: Introduction
to Modern Analysis (Math W4061) or Complex Variables (Math V3007).
- Texts: No text is required. Some recommended
- J. Jacod and P. Protter, Probability
Essentials, 2nd edition,
- S. Resnick, A Probability Path, 1999.
- D. Stirzaker, Elementary Probability, 2nd edition,
- Grading: The homework and midterm will each count for
20% of the final grade, and the final exam will count for the remaining
- Midterm Examination: There will be one midterm, on March 3,
during class time. Students will be excused from the midterm only
because of serious illness or another emergency of similar gravity; a
note from a doctor or from a Dean will be required.
- Final Examination: The
final exam is projected for May 14,
9:00am-noon. The University
will announce an official Final
Examination schedule later in the semester. All students must take
final at the time scheduled by the University. No exception will be
- Conflicts:
If you have a conflict with any of the exams (for example, due to a
religious holiday), please contact the instructor as soon as possible.
- Written work must be neat and legible to receive
consideration. You must explain your work in order to obtain full
- Disabilities: Students who may need disability-related
accommodations should contact the instructor as soon as possible. Also,
stop by the Office of Disability Services to register for support
- Calculators are not required for this course, and no
calculators or other electronic devices will be allowed during any of
the exams.
There will be weekly homework assignments,
generally assigned on Tuesdays and due the following Tuesday
by 10:00am in the box next to 417 Math.
Late homework will not be accepted. Graded homework will delivered to the tray next to 520 Math, generally by Thursday. Your lowest two homework
will be dropped, and it is expected that this will take care
of any
homework you may fail to hand in due to illness, travel, bad luck, and
so on. You are encouraged to discuss the homework with fellow students,
you must write your solutions individually. Exercises and Solutions are
posted on Courseworks.
The syllabus is tentative and may change during the semester.
Please consult the Academic
Calendar for important dates such as the last day to drop the class.
I. Basics
1. Probability Spaces S 1.1-14; R
1.1-9, 2.1
2. Discrete Random Variables S 4.1-3
3. General Random Variables
a) Transformation of Probability Spaces
R 3.1-3
b) Uniqueness of Probability Measures R 2.2-3
c) Probability on the Real Line S 4.1-2,7.1
d) Expectation S 4.3, 8.5; R 5.1-6
4. Some Probabilistic Inequalities S 4.6; R 6.6
II. Dependence and Independence
1. Conditional Probability and
Distribution S 2.1-13
2. Independence S 5.2, 8.3; R 4.1-2, 4.5
3. (In)dependence and Correlation S 5.3, 5.11
4. Product Measure and Fubini's Theorem S 5.1-4, 8.1-4, 8.17; R 5.7-9
5. Random Walk and Gambling S 2.11, 5.6, 5.18, 5.20
III. Limit Theorems
1. The Weak Law of Large Numbers S 5.8;
R 6.1-3, 7.2
2. The Strong Law of Large Numbers R 7.5
3. The Central Limit Theorem S 7.5, 8.9
IV. Markov Chains
1. The Markov Property S 9.1-2
2. Hitting Times S 9.3
3. The Strong Markov Property
4. Recurrence and Transience S. 9.5
5. Convergence to Equilibrium S. 9.4-5
6. Applications