Morena Porzio


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About me

I am a fifth-year PhD Math Student at Columbia University, New York. My advisor is Professor Aise Johan de Jong. Previously, I did my Master and Bachelor in Mathematics at University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, both in Pisa.

My research field is Algebraic Geometry. Currently my research focuses on the arithmetic of surfaces, the geometry of Hilbert schemes of points and cycles on Jacobians of curves (in particular the Ceresa cycle).

I am interested in the existence and density of degree d points on surfaces, full Del Pezzo surfaces, vanishing of cycles and obstruction techniques to the existence of rational points on varieties (with the Cassels Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture for cubic surfaces as a main motivation).

Here is my CV (updated on 6/22/2024).


Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
Room 407, 2990 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Email: mp3947 at columbia dot edu





Teaching, TAing and Mentoring

Columbia University

University of Pisa

Seminars at Columbia
