Summer Lunches and Study Buddies, Summer 2023
Description of the initiative
We meet over lunch and during afternoons in order to stimulate socialization and collaboration within the Math PhD students.
Logistics Info
The lunches will be held on Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm near/in the Math Department at Columbia. The study group with fruit/cookies will be on Fridays at 4pm (till we are tired of studying) in the Math Lounge.
Please email me at mp3947 at columbia dot edu if you are interested in joining or if you want to be added to the google group.
List of Meeting
June 5
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: We discuss how to organise at least one main lunch per week between PhD students.
June 13
Organizer: Amal Mattoo
Description: Social Lunch.
June 21
Organizer: Matthew Hase-Liu
Description: Social Lunch.
June 30
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: Study group.
July 5
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: Lunch together.
July 14
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: Study group.
July 19
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: Lunch together.
July 28
Organizer: Qiyao Yu
Description: Study group.
August 2
Organizer: Morena Porzio
Description: (Last) Lunch together.