Hurwitz correspondences on compactifications of M_{0,N} -- Rohini Ramadas, October 30, 2015
Hurwitz correspondences are multivalued maps from M_{0,N1} to M_{0,N2} that descend from holomorphic maps on Teichmuller space. We consider the dynamics of Hurwitz self-correspondences and ask: On which compactifications of M_{0,N} should they be studied? We compare a Hurwitz self-correspondence H on two different compactifications: the stable curves compactification \overline{M}_{0,N} and an alternate weighted stable curves compactification. We use this comparison to show that, for k > (dim M_{0,N} - 1)/2, the k-th dynamical degree of H is the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue of the pushforward map induced by H on a comparatively small quotient of H^{2k}(M_{0,N}).