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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by J.M.W. Turner

from Harold in Italy
II: March of the pilgrims (6'46)
played by William Primrose (viola) with the Boston Symphony conducted by Charles Munch

Symphonie Fantastique
performed by the San Francisco Symphony conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas
Link to the program of the symphony

Clip: the idée fixe theme, which recurs throughout the symphony (0'38)

I: Rêveries ‐ Passions (Daydreams ‐ Passions) (14'59)

II: Un bal (A ball) (6'58)

Clip: the theme on which the variations in Movement III are based (1'08)

III: Scène aux champs (Scene in the fields) (17'08)

IV: Marche au supplice (March to the scaffold) (6'41)

Clip: the Gregorian chant Dies irae (0'34)

V: Songe d'une nuit du sabbat (Dream of a witches' sabbath) (9'35)

Text (not heard in the symphony) of the Dies irae chant:

Dies irae dies illa That will be the day of wrath,
solvet saeclum in favilla when the whole world breaks into ashes,
teste David cum Sybilla. as foretold by David and the oracle.
Quantus tremor est futurus How earth-shattering it will be
quando Judex est venturus when God comes to judge,
cuncta stricte discussurus. investigating everything strictly.