Guillaume Dufay (~1397-1474)
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Dufay (at left) with his colleague Gilles Binchois |
Vasilissa, ergo gaude/Concupivit rex (2'47)
performed by the Dufay Consort
VOICE I: | ||
Vasilissa, ergo gaude, | Rejoice, O empress, | |
quia es digna omni laude, | you who are worthy of all praise, | |
Cleophe, clara gestis | Cleophe, renowned for the deeds | |
a tuis de Malatestis, | of your family, the Malatestas, | |
in Italia principibus | Italian princes | |
magnis et nobilibus! | both great and noble! | |
Ex tuo viro clarior, | Even more renowned thanks to your husband, | |
quia cunctis est nobilior: | who is the noblest of all: | |
Romaeorum est despotus, | the lord of the Greeks | |
quem colit mundus totus; | whom the whole world reveres; | |
in porphyro est genitus, | born in the royal purple, | |
a deo missus coelitus. | sent from heavenly God. | |
Juvenili aetate pollens | Blooming in your youthful summer | |
et formositate valens, | and flourishing in beauty, | |
multum genio fecunda | abounding in talents | |
et utraque lingua facunda, | and eloquent in both tongues, | |
ac clarior es virtutibus | you are more renowned for your virtues | |
prae aliis his omnibus. | than any other. | |
VOICE II: | ||
Concupivit rex decorem tuum. | The king has desired your beauty. | |
Quoniam ipse est dominus tuus. | For he is your lord. |
St. Mark's, Venice (click to enlarge)
Apostolo glorioso/Cum tua doctrina/Andreas Christi famulus (3'31)
performed by the Dufay Consort
VOICE I: | ||
Apostolo glorioso, da dio electo | O Glorious apostle, chosen by God | |
A evangelegiare al populo greco | to preach to the Greek people | |
La sua incarnacion che v'era ceco, | His incarnation to which they were blind, | |
Et cusi festi senza alcun suspecto, | and who did it without any suspicion, | |
Et eligisti Patrasso per tuo lecto, | and who chose Patras for your resting place, | |
Et per sepulcro questo santo specco: | and for your grave this holy grotto: | |
Prego te, preghi me retrove teco, | I pray you, pray that I may be with you, | |
Per li tuoi merci, nel devin conspecto. | by your mercy, in the sight of God. | |
VOICE II: | ||
Cum tua doctrina convertisti a Cristo | With your teaching you converted to Christ | |
Tuto el paese, cum la passione et morte | the whole country, and with your passion and death | |
Che qui portasti in croce in su lo olivo; | which you suffered on the cross on the Mount of Olives; | |
Mo è prolasso in errore et facto tristo, | now it has relapsed into error and become sinful, | |
Si che rempetraglie gracia et si forte | therefore obtain for it grace so strong | |
Che recognoscano dio vero et vivo. | that they recognize the true and living God. |
Anima mea liquefacta est (3'09)
performed by the Hilliard Ensemble
Anima mea liquefacta est | My soul melted | |
ut dilectus locutus est. | to hear my beloved speak. | |
Quesivi et non inveni illum; | I sought and did not find him; | |
vocavi et non respondivit mihi. | I called and he did not answer. | |
Invenerunt me custodes civitatis, | The city guards found me, | |
percusserunt me et vulneraverunt me, | they hit me and they hurt me, | |
tulerunt pallium meum, | they took away my cloak, | |
custodes murorum. | the guards at the city wall. | |
Filiae Ierusalem, | Daughters of Jerusalem, | |
nuntiate dilecto | tell my beloved | |
quia amore langueo. | that I am sick with love. | |
(Song of Solomon 5:6-8) |
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra (2'28)
performed by Gothic Voices
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra | I will wait as long as you wish | |
A vous declarer ma pensee, | to tell you my thoughts, | |
Ma tres chiere dame honouree; | my very dear honorable lady; | |
Je ne say s'il m'en desplayra. | I know not if it will displease you. | |
Mais toutes fois, pour complaire a | But in any case, to please | |
Vostre personne desiree, | your estimable person, | |
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra | I will wait as long as you wish | |
A vous declarer ma pensee. | to tell you my thoughts. | |
Car j'ay espour, quant avendra | For I hope that when it occurs | |
Qu'a ce vous serés acordee, | you will be agreeable to it, | |
Que ma dolour sera cesee, | so that my pain will cease, | |
Je le vous ay dit long temps a. | as I told you long ago. | |
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra | I will wait as long as you wish | |
A vous declarer ma pensee, | to tell you my thoughts, | |
Ma tres chiere dame honouree, | my very dear honorable lady; | |
Je ne say s'il m'en desplayra. | I know not if it will displease you. |
Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys (4'01)
performed by Gothic Voices
Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys, | Farewell, good wine of Lannoy, | |
adieu dames, adieu borgois, | farewell ladies, farewell gentlemen, | |
adieu celle que tant amoye, | farewell, one whom I loved so much, | |
adieu toute playssante joye, | farewell all pleasant joy, | |
adieu tout compaignons galois. | farewell all boon companions. | |
Je m'en vois tout arquant des nois | I go away cracking nuts | |
car je ne truis feves ne pois, | since I find neither beans nor peas | |
dont bien souvent au cuer m'ennoye. | which often annoy me anyway. | |
Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys, | Farewell, good wine of Lannoy, | |
adieu dames, adieu borgois, | farewell ladies, farewell gentlemen, | |
adieu celle que tant amoye. | farewell, one whom I loved so much. | |
De moi serés par plusieurs fois | By me you will be often | |
regretés par dedans les bois | missed out in the woods | |
ou il n'y a sentier ne voye; | where there is neither track nor way; | |
puis ne scaray que faire doye, | then I will know not what to do, | |
se je ne crie a haute vois: | unless I cry in a loud voice: | |
Adieu ces bon vins de Lannoys, | Farewell, good wine of Lannoy, | |
adieu dames, adieu borgois, | farewell ladies, farewell gentlemen, | |
adieu celle que tant amoye, | farewell, one whom I loved so much, | |
adieu toute playssante joye, | farewell all pleasant joy, | |
adieu tout compaignons galois. | farewell all boon companions. |
Johannes Ockeghem (~1420-1497)
L'homme armé, anonymous chanson
L'homme armé doibt on doubter. | The armed man should be feared. | |
On a fait partout crier | Everywhere it has been proclaimed | |
Que chascun se viegne armer | That each man shall arm himself | |
D'un haubregon de fer. | With a coat of iron mail. | |
L'homme armé doibt on doubter. | The armed man should be feared. |
Kyrie from Missa L'Homme Armé
performed by The Clerks' Group
TENOR: | ||
L'homme armé, text above. | ||
Kyrie eleison. | Lord, have mercy. | |
Christe eleison. | Christ, have mercy. | |
Kyrie eleison. | Lord, have mercy. |
Josquin des Prez (~1450-1521)
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A woodcut of Josquin | Voice parts were written separately, but otherwise notation looks modern |
Ave Maria (4'38)
performed by La Chapelle Royale
Ave Maria, | Hail Mary, | |
gratia plena, | Full of grace, | |
Dominus tecum, | The Lord be with you, | |
virgo serena. | Serene virgin. | |
Ave cuius conceptio, | Hail to you whose conception, | |
Solemni plena gaudio, | With solemn rejoicing, | |
Caelestia, terrestria, | Fills heaven and earth | |
Nova replet laetitia. | With new happiness. | |
Ave cuius nativitas | Hail to you whose birth | |
Nostra fuit solemnitas, | Was our solemnity, | |
Ut Lucifer lux oriens, | As the rising morning star | |
Verum solem praeveniens. | Anticipates the true sun. | |
Ave pia humilitas, | Hail pious humility, | |
Sine viro foecunditas, | Fruitful without a man, | |
Cuius annuntiatio, | Whose annunciation | |
Nostra fuit salvatio. | Was our salvation. | |
Ave vera virginitas, | Hail true virginity, | |
Immaculata castitas, | Immaculate chastity, | |
Cuius purificatio | Whose purification | |
Nostra fuit purgatio. | Was our purgation. | |
Ave praeclara omnibus | Hail shining example | |
Angelicis virtutibus, | Of all angelic virtues, | |
Cuius fuit assumptio | Whose assumption | |
Nostra glorificatio. | Was our glorification. | |
O Mater Dei, | O Mother of God, | |
Memento mei. Amen. | Remember me. Amen. |
Nymphes des bois: Déploration sur la mort de
Johannes Ockeghem
performed by The Clerks' Group (4'42)
performed by Ensemble Musica Nova (4'54)
TENOR: | ||
Requiem eternam dona eis domine, | Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, | |
Et lux perpetua luceat eis. | And shine unceasing light upon them. | |
Nymphes des bois, déesses des fontaines, | Nymphs of the woods, goddesses of the fountains, | |
Chantres experts de toutes nations, | Skilled singers of every nation, | |
Changez vos voix fort clères et haultaines | Turn your voices, so clear and lofty, | |
En cris trenchans et lamentations, | To piercing cries and lamentation, | |
Car Atropos, très terrible satrappe, | For Atropos*, that terrible tyrant, | |
Votre Ockeghem atrappe en sa trappe, | Has caught your Ockeghem in her trap, | |
Vrai trésorier de musique et chef d'oeuvre, | The true treasurer and master craftsman of music, | |
Doct, élégant de corps, et non point trappe. | Learned, handsome in appearance, and not at all stout. | |
Grand dommage est que la terre le couvre. | It is a great pity that the earth covers him. | |
Acoustrez vous d'habits de deuil, | Put on the clothes of mourning, | |
Josquin, Piersson, Brumel, Compère, | Josquin, Piersson, Brumel, Compère, | |
Et plourez grosses larmes d'oeul, | And weep great tears from your eyes, | |
Perdu avez vostre bon père. | For you have lost your good father. | |
Requiescant in pace. Amen. | Rest in peace. Amen. |
*Atropos: the Fate who cuts the thread of life
Allegez moy
performed by Ensemble Musica Nova (1'17)
performed by Ensemble Clément Janequin (1'05)
Allegez moy doulce plaisant brunette | Comfort me, sweet charming brunette, | |
Dessoubz la boudinette | Just below my navel, | |
Allegez moy de toutes mes douleurs | Comfort me from all my pains; | |
Vostre beaulte me tient en amourette | Your beauty makes me amorous | |
Dessoubz la boudinette | Just below my navel. |
Petite camusette
performed by Ensemble Clément Janequin (1'07)
Petite camusette a la mort mavez miz | Shapely little girl, you've done me to death | |
Robin et Marion sen vont au bois joly | Robin and Marion have gone to the lovely woods | |
Ilz sen vont bras a bras ilz se sont endormis | They've gone arm in arm and fallen asleep there | |
Petite camusette a la mort mavez miz | Shapely little girl, you've done me to death |
Une mousse de Bisquaye
performed by Raitis Grigalis and Marc Lewon of Ensemble Leones (2'15)
Une mousse de Bisquaye | A Basque maiden, | |
L'autre jour pres ung moullin | The other day by a windmill, | |
Vint à moi sans dire gaire, | Passed me with hardly a word, | |
Moy hurtant sur mon chemin, | When she met me in the road. | |
Blanche comme un parchemin; | She was white as parchment; | |
Je la baisé à mon aise, | I kissed her as I pleased, | |
Et me dit sans faire noise, | And she whispered to me, | |
"Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | "Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | |
Le luy dis que de Biscquaye | I told her that in the Basque country | |
J'estoys son prochain voisin: | I was her nearest neighbor; | |
"Mecton nous pres ceste haie | "Let us go by this hedge | |
En l'ombre soubz l'aubepin: | In the shade of the hawthorn; | |
La perlerons a butin; | There we may speak intimately; | |
Faictes tous a ma requeste." | Let's do as I suggest." | |
Lors feist signe de la teste: | Then she signaled with her head: | |
"Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | "Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | |
"Par mon serment, vecy raige: | "On my oath, this is madness; | |
Ce n'est françois ne latin; | This is neither French nor Latin; | |
Parlez moy aultre langaige, | Speak another language to me | |
Et laissez vostre bisquayn. | And put aside the Basque tongue. | |
Mectons no bisongne a fin, | Let's do what we need to do | |
Parlons d'amours, je vous prie." | And speak of love, I beg you." | |
Lors me dist, n'en doubtez mye: | Then she said, never doubt it: | |
"Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | "Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | |
Avoir n'en peuz aultre chose, | I had no other choice, | |
Par ma foy, a ce matin, | By my faith, that fine morning, | |
Fors baiser a bouche close | Than to kiss her closed mouth | |
Et la main sur le tetin. | With my hand on her breast. | |
"Adieu, petit musequin, | "Farewell, little maiden, | |
A Dieu soyez, ma popine." | God be with you, my doll." | |
Lors me dit la bisquayne: | Then the Basque girl said to me: | |
"Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." | "Soaz, soaz ordonarequin." |
El grillo
performed by Ensemble Clément Janequin (1'33)
El grillo è buon cantore | The cricket is a good singer | |
Che tiene longo verso. | Who holds a long note. | |
Dale, beve grillo, canta, | The cricket drinks and sings | |
Ma non fa come gli altri uccelli, | But doesn't act like other birds | |
Come li han canto un poco | Who, when they have sung a bit, | |
Van' de fatto in altro loco; | Fly away to another place; | |
Sempre el grillo sta pur saldo. | The cricket always stays put. | |
Quando la maggior el caldo | Even when the weather is hottest | |
Alhor canto sol per amore. | The cricket alone sings for love. |