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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809)


STRING QUARTET: two violins, one viola, and one cello; or a work written for this ensemble, usually in sonata form

SYMPHONY: a work for orchestra in sonata form

SONATA: a work for piano and perhaps one other instrument, usually in sonata form, of course

SONATA FORM: a four-movement composition whose substantial first movement is usually in sonata-allegro form
and whose two middle movements usually include a slow movement and a minuet or scherzo

SONATA-ALLEGRO form: the Classical model for a large-scale instrumental movement, consisting of an exposition, a development, and a recapitulation

EXPOSITION: the opening section of a sonata-allegro movement, in which several themes are stated

DEVELOPMENT: the middle section of a sonata-allegro movement, in which the themes from the exposition are creatively transformed

RECAPITULATION: the closing section of a sonata-allegro movement, in which the themes return to their original guises

TERNARY: in a three-part form ABA, where the last section is like the first

MINUET: a courtly dance in triple meter, which in sonata form is followed by a contrasting trio, after which the minuet is repeated [SG]

TRIO: the middle, contrasting section of the minuet movement in a sonata form; also, any work for three performers

SCHERZO: a faster, more humorous version of the minuet

THEME AND VARIATIONS: a movement in which the opening theme is repeated with one elegant decoration after another: AA'A''A'''...

RONDO: a movement in which the opening theme recurs over and over unchanged, alternating with contrasting episodes: ABACADA...

RETROGRADE: the reversal of a melody, played last note first