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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Ars Antiqua: Plainchant, Léonin, Pérotin

Plainchant or Gregorian chant

Puer natus est (2'00)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Puer natus est nobis A boy is born to us
et filius datus est nobis and a son is given to us
cuius imperium super humerum eius, whose kingdom is upon his shoulder,
et vocabitur nomen eius and his name shall be called
magni consilii angelus. angel of great counsel.
Isaiah 9:6
Cantate domino canticum novum Sing to the Lord a new song
quia mirabilia fecit. for he has done miracles.
Psalm 98:1

Kyrie (1'58)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.
Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy.
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.

Alleluia: dies sanctificatus (1'45)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Alleluia. Alleluia.
Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis: A day made holy dawns upon us:
Venite gentes, et adorate Dominum; Come, all nations, and adore the Lord;
Quia hodie descendit lux magna super terram. for today a great light has descended upon the earth.
Alleluia. Alleluia.

Breves dies hominis (2'46)
performed by Lionheart

Breves dies hominis Short the days of man,
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
humane propaginis of the human race,
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Nitimur in vetitum We strive for the forbidden,
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
caro contra spiritum. Flesh against spirit.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Pelle moram propera Hasten, rejecting delay;
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
mora non est libera. For delay is not free.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Mundo nil immundius; Nothing worldly is pure;
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
que facis, fac citius. Do quickly what you must.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Corpus, quod corrumpitur, The body, which decays,
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
animam persequitur. Must follow the spirit.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Et bonum propositum And virtuous resolve
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
revocat in irritum. Recalls it from the void.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Alios quod doceo What I teach others
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
ipse docens impleo. I also teach myself.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Christum ne exasperem Lest I offend Christ,
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
pauper sequor pauperem. I follow the poor man's path.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)
Corpus meum corrigo I correct my body
     (mundi vita)      (worldly life)
et in servum redigo. And return it to servitude.
     (que sit vita, cogita!)      (ponder what life means!)

Léonin (fl. 1150)

Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus (6'41)
performed by Red Byrd/Cappella Amsterdam
Interactive listening guide

Alleluia. Alleluia.
Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis: A day made holy dawns upon us:
Venite gentes, et adorate Dominum; Come, all nations, and adore the Lord;
Quia hodie descendit lux magna super terram. for today a great light has descended upon the earth.
Alleluia. Alleluia.

Pérotin (fl. 1200)

Viderunt omnes (11'39)
performed by the Hilliard Ensemble
Interactive listening guide

(0'00) Viderunt omnes (3'51) fines terrae All the ends of the earth have seen
(4'00) salutare Dei nostri. the salvation of our God.
(4'18) Jubilate Deo, omnis terra. Rejoice in the Lord, all lands.
(4'49) Notum fecit (7'44) Dominus salutare suum; The Lord has made known his salvation;
(9'36) ante conspectum gentium in the sight of the heathen
(10'44) revelavit (11'11) justitiam suam. he has revealed his righteousness.