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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)


ACCOMPANIMENT: subordinate voices providing background to a soloist

ORCHESTRA: a large ensemble of musical instruments

OPERA: a drama where the text is sung, accompanied by an orchestra

FANFARE: a brief, festive instrumental piece involving brass instruments

VIOLS: bowed stringed instruments, forerunners of violins and cellos

VIOLA DA GAMBA: a large viol held between the legs

CHITARRONE: a gigantic lute-like instrument, used for continuo accompaniment

CONTINUO: light accompaniment for a singer by a bass instrument and perhaps a harpsichord or chitarrone [SG]

ORNAMENT: a decorative elaboration of a melody such as a mordent or trill, often improvised

RITORNELLO: in the Baroque and Classical eras, a passage (often repeated) played by all instruments [SG]

EPISODE: in the Baroque and Classical eras, a passage between ritornellos, for a soloist with light accompaniment; also, in a fugue, a passage between appearances of the fugue subject

RECITATIVE: narrative singing, in the irregular rhythm of speech, with light accompaniment [SG]

ARIA: an operatic song, usually more formal, self-contained, and metrically regular than recitative

HEMIOLA: in triple meter, the momentary grouping of six beats as three groups of two