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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)


Announcements of upcoming events (all optional, but posts on the course blog about any are welcome for extra credit):

(1) The Daedalus Quartet is presenting to other Music Hum sections on Bartók's String Quartet #2. They weren't available at our class time, but anyone in our section is welcome to attend any of their (identical) hourlong presentations on Monday, March 30 at 8:50, 10:15, 1:15, and 4:15, or on Tuesday, March 31 at 8:50, 10:15, and 1:15, all in Lerner 555.

(2) The Columbia University Collegium Musicum, some of whom sang for us in the stairwell, will present a spring concert of Italian madrigals, "Rime e Pianto," at the Italian Academy on Amsterdam & 117th on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00. Free.

(3) The Columbia University Orchestra will perform works of Chausson and Mahler on Saturday, April 11 at 8:00 in Roone Arledge Auditorium, and again on Saturday, April 18 at 8:00 in Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center (65th & Broadway). Free.

(4) The Columbia Players present their annual chamber music concert in Weill Recital Hall (57th between 6th & 7th, next to Carnegie Hall) on Wednesday, April 8 at 8:00. $20 but probably cheaper through the ticket window in Lerner.

(5) From a fascinating article about Schubert, by the tenor Ian Bostridge, in the current New York Review of Books, you may learn that when Schubert was dying at thirty-one, probably of syphilis, he quoted the lines from Goethe that, as a teenager, he had set in Gretchen am Spinnrade: "Meine Ruh' ist hin, mein Herz ist schwer." There is also a hilarious watercolor sketch of Beethoven and Schubert passing in the street in Vienna.

LOOK carefully over your midterm exam and read and digest the comments.

READ Chapter 12 in Kelly. Then PRINT the questionnaire and fill it out as you LISTEN to Schumann's Carnaval.

Carnaval, Op. 9
played by Claudio Arrau

Préambule ‐ Preface (2'24)
Pierrot (1'43)
Arlequin ‐ Harlequin (1'04)
Valse Noble ‐ Noble waltz (1'57)
Eusebius (1'54)
Florestan (1'01)
Coquette (1'37)
Réplique ‐ Answer (0'53)
Papillons ‐ Butterflies (0'46)
A.S.C.H.‐S.C.H.A. Lettres dansantes ‐ Dancing letters (1'07)
Chiarina ‐ Little Clara (1'22)
Chopin (1'26)
Estrella ‐ Star (0'43)
Reconnaissance ‐ Recognition (2'02)
Pantalon et Colombine ‐ Characters from the commedia dell'arte (0'58)
Valse Allemande ‐ Intermezzo: Paganini ‐ Valse Allemande ‐ German waltz (0'00-0'51) ‐ Intermezzo: Paganini (0'51-1'38) ‐ German waltz (1'38-2'12)
Aveu ‐ Avowal (1'12)
Promenade (2'35)
Pause ‐ Marche des "Davidsbündler" contre les Philistins ‐ Interlude (0'00-0'20) ‐ March of the League of David against the Philistines (0'20-4'27)