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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

The Second Viennese School


EXPRESSIONISM: Early-20th-century German artistic movement characterized by heightened, subjective, and strident expression of emotional states

ATONAL music: music lacking a tonic, that is, a key or tonal center [noun: ATONALITY]

SPRECHSTIMME: Schoenberg's invention, a singsong vocal technique between singing and speaking

KLANGFARBENMELODIE: literally "tone-color-melody," Schoenberg's name for a melody jumping rapidly from one instrument (and tone color) to another

TWELVE-TONE or DODECAPHONIC composition: Schoenberg's method for writing atonal music based on a specific ordering of the 12 notes in the chromatic scale

TWELVE-TONE ROW: a choice of such an ordering