Some Thoughts on Undergraduate Expansion

Sources for Figure 8

Year A&S Fac. CC+GS Stud. Ratio Humanities Nat.Sci. Soc. Sci. CC (FTE) GS (FTE)
2001 578 4920 8.5 242 196 140 4073 847
2002 596 4994 8.4 253 199 144 4106 888
2003 609 5009 8.2 262 198 149 4163 846
2004 611 5052 8.3 262 197 152 4129 923
2005 657 5184 7.9 302 192 163 4210 974
2006 666 5234 7.9 294 203 169 4204 1030
2007 722 5154 7.1 329 218 175 4173 981
2008 740 5327 7.2 337 219 184 4238 1089
2009 724 5536 7.6 315 224 185 4367 1169
2010 728 5752 7.9 312 230 186 4467 1285
2011 762 5854 7.7 323 246 193 4541 1313
2012 776 6012 7.7 333 254 189 4582 1430
2013 809 6111 7.6 345 263 201 4586 1525
2014 814 6297 7.7 357 260 197 4652 1645
2015 810 6365 7.9 364 252 194 4622 1743
2016 854 6439 7.5 377 268 209 4637 1802
2017 861 6563 7.6 379 271 211 4657 1906
2018 877 6611 7.5 392 274 211 4663 1948
2019 878 6710 7.6 379 288 211 4680 2030
2020 845 6471 7.7 368 282 195 4458 2013

Note: Faculty numbers are counts of full-time A&S faculty excluding Arts, SIPA, and SPS (that is, Humanities + Natural Sciences + Social Sciences). These are the most relevant faculty numbers, as they count those faculty who normally teach full-time undergraduates. Student numbers are FTEs of students in the A&S colleges, namely CC + GS.

Links to Sources

Faculty 2002-11:
Faculty 2011-20:
Students: Same as Figure 6