Spring 2007 talk schedule

We usually meet in 508 Math at about 7:00 and the talk takes place in 520 or 507 nearby.

January 24Ilya Vinogradov
Columbia Undergrad
A nice problem in analytic number theory
February 7; 7:30 pm Dmytro Karabash
Columbia Undergrad
On Shelah-Soifer Graphs
February 13; 7:15 pmXander Faber
Columbia Grad Student
The Points Between the Primes
February 21; 7:30pmYao Liu
Columbia Undergrad
Triangle Centers and Extraversions
February 28Patrick Gallagher
Some elementary geometry, from Eudoxus to Legendre, Monge and Mannheim
March 21Andrew Lawrie
Columbia Undergrad
An Interesting Proof of Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem
March 28Mikhail Shklyar
Columbia Undergrad
Modular Origami Workshop
April 4Thomas Dumitrescu
Columbia Undergrad
Divergent quantities
April 10Rebecca Bellovin
Columbia Undergrad
Squares in Z/pZ
April 18Danny Gillam
Columbia Grad Student
The Long Line
April 25Duong Phong

Past talks