Geometric 3-Manifolds and the Poincare's Fundamental Polyhedron Theorem -- Max Lipyanskiy, April 16, 2002

This talk is intended as a general introduction to some of the concepts and theorems of 3-manifold topology. I will focus on several theorems from the following selection of topics:

1) Topology of closed manifolds in dimension2 and 3 - Cutting along circles and spheres (Thm of Kneser/Milnor), JSJ Decomposition
2) Hyperbolic geometry - Basic models, geodesics, isometries, curvature calculations
3) Gauss-Bonnet Theorem - Proof for the case of constant curvature
4) Geometric Manifolds - Basic geometries, Mostow Rigidity, discussion of invariants, Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture
5) Discrete Subgroups of PSL(2,C) - Descriptions of discreteness, fundamental polyhedra, Poincare's theorem
6) My work during 2001-2002 - Seven exceptional regions in "Homotopy Hyperbolic Manifolds are Hyperbolic", a rigorous computer application of Poincare's Theorem