Cluster algebras

What do the following facts have in common?

* The recurrence defined by x(n+1)x(n-1) = x(n) + 1

is periodic with period 5 for arbitrary starting values of x(0) and x(1).

* The number of tilings by dominos of an n'th order Aztec Diamond (the region obtained from four staircase shapes of height n by gluing them together along the straight edges) is 2^(n(n+1)/2).

* Ptolemy's theorem for quadrilaterals inscribed in a circle: if A, B, C, D are the lengths of the edges of a cyclic quadrilateral, and E and F are the lengths of the diagonals, then EF = AC + BD.

The answer is that they are all instances of cluster algebras defined by Fomin and Zelevinsky, a developing story in combinatorics with a striking variety of connections.