Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations
Not Even Wrong: The Book
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Author Archives: woit
Yet More on the Wormholes
The paper explaining that this Nature cover story, besides being a publicity stunt, was also completely wrong, has so far attracted very little media attention. The first thing I’ve seen came out today at New Scientist, a publication often accused … Continue reading
Posted in Wormhole Publicity Stunts
Physics With Witten
I just noticed that last semester Edward Witten was teaching Physics 539 at Princeton, a graduate topics course. Since he’s now past the age of 70, at the IAS he is officially retired and an emeritus professor (the IAS is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Some Interviews
Some interviews that readers of this blog may find of interest: David Zierler at the AIP interviews Lee Smolin (April 1, 2021). David Zierler at the AIP interviews Stephon Alexander (June 7, 2021). Alexis Papazoglou at IAI News interviews me … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Latest on the Wormholes
I had thought that the wormhole story had reached peak absurdity back in December, but last night some commenters pointed to a new development: the technical calculation used in the publicity stunt was nonsense, not giving what was claimed. The … Continue reading
Posted in Wormhole Publicity Stunts
The Trouble With Path Integrals, Part II
This posting is about the problems with the idea that you can simply formulate quantum mechanical systems by picking a configuration space, an action functional S on paths in this space, and evaluating path integrals of the form $$\int_{\text{paths}}e^{iS[\text{path}]}$$ Necessity … Continue reading
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The Trouble With Path Integrals, Part I
Two things recently made me think I should write something about path integrals: Quanta magazine has a new article out entitled How Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities and Tony Zee has a new book out, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
What’s Going Right in Particle Physics
Since I had a little free time today, I was thinking of writing something motivated by two things I saw today, Sabine Hossenfelder’s What’s Going Wrong in Particle Physics, and this summer’s upcoming SUSY 2023 conference and pre-SUSY 2023 school. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Various and Sundry
A few things that may be of interest: Fermilab is continuing to push the wormhole publicity stunt, with Joe Lykken, the lab’s Deputy director for research on the 17th giving a public lecture on Wormholes in the Laboratory. The promotional … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized, Wormhole Publicity Stunts
This Week’s Hype
The New York Times today has Where is Physics Headed (and How Soon Do We Get There?). It’s an interview by Dennis Overbye of Maria Spiropulu and Michael Turner, the chairs of the NAS Committee on Elementary Particle Physics – … Continue reading
Posted in This Week's Hype
What is the AdS/CFT Conjecture?
In recent years I’ve found there’s no point to trying to have an intelligible argument about “string theory”, simply because the term no longer has any well-defined meaning. At the KITP next spring, there will be a program devoted to … Continue reading
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