Author Archives: woit

Still Not Even Wrong

A while back Tushna Commissariat of Physics World came to talk with me at Columbia, partly to discuss the topic of “Not Even Wrong, ten years later”, and that has now been turned into a podcast available as Still Not … Continue reading

Posted in Not Even Wrong: The Book | 11 Comments

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

This week I’m in Heidelberg, attending the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, where I’ll be writing some blog posts for their website (which should appear here). You can follow talks on their website, either in real-time as streaming video, or by watching … Continue reading

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This Week’s Hype

Quanta Magazine has over the past couple years been establishing a well-deserved reputation as the smartest and best science journalism around. At the opposite extreme, over many years of interacting with science journalists, the most embarrassingly incompetent one I’ve run … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 25 Comments

Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy

Roger Penrose’s Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe is finally being published this week. This is a bit of a landmark event, since the book has a long history, going back to a series of … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews | 34 Comments

Various and Sundry

A few unrelated items: Maybe Multiverse Mania in the popular press is fading. The Atlantic has The Multiverse Idea is Rotting Culture, where the author points out In 2014, the New Scientist published an article called “Multiverse Me,” revealing that … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 24 Comments

Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil’s important new book Weapons of Math Destruction, is out today, and if you’re at all interested in the social significance of how mathematics is now being used, you should go out and get a copy. She has been … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews | 30 Comments

Templeton News

Looking at my list of items to blog about, I see most of them have some relation to the Templeton Foundation, so this will be a blog post just about those. To get some idea of the scale of Templeton’s … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 20 Comments

Not Ever Wrong

The “SUSY Bet” event in Copenhagen took place today, with video available for a while at this site. It appears to be gone for the moment, will put up a better link if it becomes available. An expensive bottle of … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 106 Comments

Various News

Before turning to other topics, congratulations to my Columbia colleague Wei Zhang, who was awarded the Gold Medal at the recent ICCM in Beijing. On the HEP physics front, some news is: On Monday at 1:30pm Danish time, at the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 27 Comments

The Nightmare Scenario

Now back from a short vacation, and there seems to have been a lot happening on the debate over fundamental physics front. From the experimentalists, news that the Standard Model continues to resist falsification: At ICHEP, as expected, new data … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 42 Comments