Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations
Not Even Wrong: The Book
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Author Archives: woit
Three Items
Kind of like the last posting, but this time you get two worthwhile items to make up for one that’s not. Dan Garisto has a very good article here examining the present state of high energy experimental particle physics and … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Two Items
If I’m going to point to something about string theory and say the same things as always about it, seems best to first start with the opposite, an item about something really worth reading. This spring I’ve been teaching a … Continue reading
Posted in This Week's Hype
Why physicists are rethinking the route to a theory of everything
New Scientist this week has a cover story I can strongly endorse, entitled Why physicists are rethinking the route to a theory of everything. It’s by journalist Michael Brooks, partly based on a long conversation we had a month or … Continue reading
Posted in Euclidean Twistor Unification
Arithmetic, Geometry and QFT news
This week at Harvard’s CMSA there’s a program on Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory that is starting up and will continue through March. There’s a series of introductory talks going on this week, by Minhyong Kim, Brian Williams, and David Ben-Zvi. … Continue reading
Posted in Langlands
This Week’s Hype
For the last thirty years or so, one tactic of those who refuse to admit the failure of string theory has been to go to the press with bogus claims of “we finally have found a way to get testable … Continue reading
Posted in This Week's Hype
Particle Physics Is Not In Crisis
For a low-rent version of the self-congratulatory program discussed here, Bad Boy of Science Sam Gregson has a new video up entitled Particle Physics Is Not In Crisis – but we can make improvements. Cliff Burgess plays the Strominger role, … Continue reading
Posted in This Week's Hype
Quick Links
A few quick links: There’s a one-day conference next Friday at the IHES, recognizing Dustin Clausen’s appointment to a new Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Chair. Should be several interesting talks, see here. There’s an ongoing conference at the KITP on the topic … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Know Time Podcast
For another podcast/interview with me that was recently recorded, see Maths, Twistors & String Theory. Know Time is a series of podcasts that is a project of Shalaj Lawania, and I was impressed by the effort he put into trying … Continue reading
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Spring Course
Starting next week I’ll be teaching a graduate topics course, with the general plan to develop much of the quantum field theory of the Standard Model in a form accessible to mathematicians, emphasizing the connections to representation theory. There’s a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
String Theory Hype Fest
I just finished watching the video here, which was released today. Since this was advertised as a panel discussion on the state of string theory, I thought earlier today that it might be a good opportunity to write something serious … Continue reading
Posted in This Week's Hype