Author Archives: woit

Short Items

The LHC is back in business, with the experiments collecting data at 4 TeV/beam, marginally higher than last year’s 3.5 TeV/beam. They are ramping up the number of bunches in each beam, already this afternoon achieving a higher initial luminosity … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News, Multiverse Mania | 9 Comments

Testing the Holographic Principle

Adrian Cho at Science magazine this week has an article about Craig Hogan’s project to build a “holometer” and somehow test the “holographic principle”. Since this promises some sort of experimental test of fashionable ideas about quantum gravity, it has … Continue reading

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Emerging Grant Opportunity

I just noticed that the Templeton Foundation has a competition for $5 million in grants in the area of “strong emergence”, submission deadline very soon (April 16). I’m not sure I understand their distinction between “weak emergence” and “strong emergence” … Continue reading

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Theory Bubbles

In this week’s Nature, Abraham Loeb, the chair of the Harvard astronomy department, has a column proposing the creation of a web-site that would act as a sort of “ratings agency”, implementing some mathematical model that would measure the health … Continue reading

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April Fools at the APS Meeting in Atlanta

From the latest Science News: String theory weighs in on Higgs ATLANTA – Physicists working on big experiments at particle colliders aren’t the only ones who have something to say about the mass of the elusive Higgs boson. A theorist … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 48 Comments

Father of String Theory on LHC Funding

A report from India: ‘CERN need not spend so much on LHC experiment’ Father of String Theory and noted physics scientist Holger Bech Neilsen of Denmark has said that contributions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN are over-rated … Continue reading

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Nothingness in LA on April Fool’s Day

The media and blogosphere today are full of April Fool’s Day jokes of various degrees of funniness. Then there’s the Los Angeles Times, which used the date to publish a piece by Lawrence Krauss entitled A Universe Without Purpose. It … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 30 Comments

The Darth Vader Theory

This week at Caltech there’s a workshop celebrating the 35th anniversary of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. George Musser of Scientific American is covering the workshop here. He reports that N=4 Super Yang-Mills is being describe as the “Darth Vader theory”, … Continue reading

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Implications of LHC Results

The winter conferences are now come and gone, with any dramatic new LHC results now likely to wait until more data is on hand. First attempt to collide beams at 4 TeV/beam is now scheduled for Friday morning, with stable … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 10 Comments

Nothingness Smackdown

Theoretical physics, as practiced in the mainstream media, seems to be moving from a mania about multiverses to a religious battle over nothingness. On one side we have physicist Lawrence Krauss, with his best-selling new entry into the atheism book … Continue reading

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