Author Archives: woit

No Landau-Siegel zeros?

A couple weeks ago rumors were circulating that Yitang Zhang was claiming a proof of a longstanding open conjecture in number theory, the “no Landau-Siegel zeros” conjecture. Such a proof would be a very major new result. Zhang was a … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 18 Comments

Physical Mathematics c. 2022

The arXiv today has a very comprehensive survey of a conventional point of view on where “Physical Mathematics” is in 2022 and where it is going, written by a group of six authors. “Physical Mathematics” is a term popularized by … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

This Week’s Hype

CERN on Wednesday is hosting a colloquium talk by Joseph Lykken, who supposedly will discuss Prospects for experimental quantum gravity. There’s by now a long tradition of string theorists dealing with criticism that their research program is inherently immune from … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype, Wormhole Publicity Stunts | 11 Comments

David E. Kaplan interview

There’s a long interview with David E. Kaplan (not the same person as David B. Kaplan…) by David Zierler at the AIP Oral Histories site. The whole thing is quite interesting and I recommend reading it, but I do want … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 37 Comments

Will Machines Have Good Mathematical Taste?

A question that has always fascinated me about mathematics is that of how the field manages to stay healthy and not degenerate in the way I’ve seen theoretical physics do as it lost new input from experiment. On Twitter, Ash … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 23 Comments

This Week’s Hype

The hype campaign marches on, just three very recent examples: Can stringy physics rescue the universe from a catastrophic transformation? Cosmic strings’ greatest power? Their ability to confound physicists. TF1 Snowmass Report: Quantum gravity, string theory, and black holes

Posted in This Week's Hype | 56 Comments

Something about England

Heading to Oxford today, this evening I’ll give a talk there on Unified Theories of Physics. On Saturday I’ll try to find some way to get to the HTLGI Festival in London despite a national rail strike, where I’ll give … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 29 Comments

Some News, Then More of the Same

Some News: I’ll be in England later in the month, in Oxford much of the week of the 26th-30th. That week is the week of the 2022 Clay Research Conference and Workshops. The evening of Tuesday the 27th I’ll be … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania, Uncategorized | 48 Comments

This and Next Year’s Hype

I normally try and avoid getting into the vast topic of the hype problem in other subjects than string theory, but a couple things I’ve seen recently make it hard to resist. So, just this once… Quantum Computing Michio Kaku … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 25 Comments

LHC News

I see today via the LHC Page 1 Vistar that a problem at a cooling tower will cause part of the accelerator to need to be warmed up to room temperature, putting the LHC out of business for the next … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 2 Comments