Category Archives: Uncategorized

Various Links

The Smithsonian has a long article about Lisa Randall here. The Wall Street Journal has a shorter article about Randall’s high school classmate Brian Greene here. Brian’s World Science Festival will start here in New York on Wednesday. I’ll probably … Continue reading

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Eric Weinstein on Geometric Unity

Eric Weinstein is a Harvard math Ph. D. who has been working as an economist here in New York for many years, and someone I’ve often enjoyed talking to over the years. Going back to his days as a graduate … Continue reading

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One Ring to Rule Them All

This week in Sweden the Nobel Foundation is running a symposium on LHC results. It’s invitation only, but the slides of the talks are available here. One of the scheduled talks today was about string theory, and I was wondering … Continue reading

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Number Theory News

A special seminar has been scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) at 3pm at Harvard, where Yitang Zhang will present new results on “Bounded gaps between primes”. Evidently he has a proof that there exist infinitely many different pairs of primes p,q … Continue reading

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Miscellaneous Links

There’s an interesting discussion amongst philosophers at Brian Leiter’s blog about the effects of Templeton money (and I contributed my two cents…). In other Templeton news, they’re funding a new “literary science magazine” called Nautilus. Also via Leiter, they have … Continue reading

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Arkani-Hamed Colloquium

Nima Arkani-Hamed was here at Columbia yesterday to give the physics colloquium, which clocked in at a bit over 1 hour and 45 minutes. He did reveal the secret of why his talks are this long: when invited to give … Continue reading

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 45 Comments

Anderson on Anderson-Higgs

Philip Anderson was here at Columbia yesterday, and gave a very interesting talk, mostly discussing what was going on in the late 50s and early 60s at the intersection of condensed matter and particle physics. This has attracted a lot … Continue reading

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To Mars and Beyond

I’m not sure either of these stories from the past week is particularly important in and of itself, but since I try and keep up on trends in theoretical physics, and two is a trend, here’s some news from two … Continue reading

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Various Links

The AMS-02 experiment results will be announced tomorrow, 1700 CERN local time, webcast here. The normally reliable Jester says rumor is no dark matter. For this kind of astrophysics news, you should find a site with an expert to interpret … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Strange connections to strange metals

In recent years much of the attention of string theorists has turned to applications of string theory (via AdS/CFT) to heavy-ion physics and condensed matter physics. Since I’m no expert on either topic, I’ve been curious to hear what experts … Continue reading

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