Category Archives: Uncategorized

American Journal of Modern Physics

This morning an e-mail came in from the “Science Publishing Group”, a call for “Editorial Board Members, Reviewers and Paper” for their open access journals, advertised as Full peer review: All manuscripts submitted to our journals undergo double blind peer … Continue reading

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Quick Links

This should be a month with quite a bit of experimental news, including Latest Higgs news from the LHC experiments here on Wednesday. Release of data from AMS-02 was advertised as “two to three weeks away” back on February 17. … Continue reading

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The State of SUSY

Results putting new limits on SUSY based on the entire first run of the LHC are starting to emerge (see for example this from CMS) with more likely at Moriond next week. Since one is dealing with a theory with … Continue reading

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SUSY and Quantum Mechanics

You may have read somewhere today that Columbia professor strips down to underwear in bizarre lesson to help baffled students learn quantum mechanics (first-hand sources here and here). That wasn’t me, but I have been talking to my class for … Continue reading

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 18 Comments

Quick Links

Posting has been light recently, partly since I’ve been working on writing up notes for my course (more about that soon), but largely because there hasn’t been a lot of news to write about in the math-physics world. The LHC … Continue reading

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Existence of Kähler-Einstein Metrics

An important recent development in geometry has been the announcement of two claimed proofs of a long-standing conjecture about the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics. Simon Donaldson is talking about this at MIT this week (see here and here), and the … Continue reading

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Short Items

Resonaances has an excellent posting about the latest WMAP9 CMB measurements, and the value Neff for the number of implied light degrees of freedom. When the WMAP numbers were released late last year, they quoted Neff=3.89+/-.67, 3.26+/-.35, 2.83+/-.38 for the … Continue reading

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This Week’s Finds

Twenty years ago this past week, John Baez posted the first of his “This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics” to the sci.physics newsgroups, inaugurating internet blogging about Mathematical Physics, many years before anyone even knew what a blog was. For … Continue reading

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The Anatomy of a Scientific Gossip

The University of Birmingham has put out a press release today about new research by their computer scientists, on the topic of the spread of gossip about the Higgs via Twitter. This is all based on an arXiv paper, The … Continue reading

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What *Should* We Be Worried About?

Back from vacation today, so regular blogging likely to resume. Will start with something quick, a link to material that was posted today. The Edge web-site annual question feature is out today, with this year’s question What *Should* We Be … Continue reading

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