Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nothingness Smackdown

Theoretical physics, as practiced in the mainstream media, seems to be moving from a mania about multiverses to a religious battle over nothingness. On one side we have physicist Lawrence Krauss, with his best-selling new entry into the atheism book … Continue reading

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F-theory Phenomenology

In the years before the LHC start-up, one heavily promoted claim that “yes, string theory can too make predictions, and here’s what it predicts the LHC will see” was based on a class of models known as “F-theory”. Detailed superpartner … Continue reading

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2012 Abel Prize

The 2012 Abel Prize was awarded this morning to Endre Szemerédi. I know nothing about him or his work, but there’s a webcast going on right now with Tim Gowers providing explanation. Update: The written version of the Gowers talk … Continue reading

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Particle Theorist in Argentine Jail

Particle theorist Paul Frampton of the University of North Carolina was arrested in Buenos Aires January 23rd on charges of attempting to smuggle two kilos of cocaine out of the country. He denies the charges, but is in jail in … Continue reading

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Dyson on Fringe Physics, String Cosmology and Hermann Weyl

The latest New York Review of Books has a review by Freeman Dyson of Margaret Wertheim’s recent book Physics on the Fringe (which I wrote about here). Dyson is much more sympathetic than most physicists to “fringe physicists” like Jim … Continue reading

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Various and Sundry

Lots of people seem to be unhappy with my characterization of Lawrence Krauss’s question “why is there something rather than nothing?” as meaningless. I’m well aware that one can give this question a non-trivial meaning, I just don’t think Krauss … Continue reading

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Short Items

A few short items: No Higgs news on the LHC front, but on the BSM front today’s CERN talk Update on Searches for New Physics in CMS provides more evidence against the various exotic scenarios heavily advertised over the last … Continue reading

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An Introduction to Group Therapy for Particle Physics

The latest CERN Courier book review section is out here. Besides a long review of Frank Close’s The Infinity Puzzle, there are some short reviews, including one for Stephen Heywood’s Symmetries and Conservation Laws in Particle Physics: An Introduction to … Continue reading

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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory

The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook is having a workshop this week on Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. I was hoping to find time to go out there and hear some of the talks, but … Continue reading

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What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?

Science publishing impresario John Brockman’s Edge web-site each year runs a “Question of the year” feature, with short pieces from a wide range of people providing their answer to the question. The past few years I’ve passed on their invitation … Continue reading

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