Category Archives: Uncategorized

Galois Conference Videos

Last October there was a conference held in Paris to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Galois. Some of the talks were quite interesting, giving an overview of the current state of areas of mathematics in which Galois … Continue reading

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Emerging Trends

Most of the lectures from this year’s Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics are now available online. David Gross was the main organizer, and the choice of topics reflects his point of view on what is interesting these days in … Continue reading

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Short Items

A few short items: The Multiverse propaganda campaign continues this month, with a piece by Alan Lightman in Harpers entitled The Accidental Universe: Science’s Crisis of Faith. The content is pretty much the usual: string theory implies an untestable multiverse, … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Experimental HEP News, Multiverse Mania, Uncategorized | 37 Comments

Dijkgraaf Next Director of the Institute for Advanced Study

The IAS in Princeton announced today that Robbert Dijkgraaf will take over from Peter Goddard as director starting next summer. Like Goddard, Dijkgraaf has devoted much of his career to string theory, more specifically the formal side of the subject, … Continue reading

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An explanation of something that readers of this and other related blogs may have run into recently: An ex-boyfriend of a close personal friend of mine has been posting here and elsewhere repulsive and delusional material about the two of … Continue reading

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Interview With Sidney Coleman

Via Steve Hsu, at the AIP Center for History of Physics, there’s a transcript of an interview with Sidney Coleman from 1977. It’s provocative and amusing, like the man himself, as well as informative history. Go and read the whole … Continue reading

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Solvay Update

With the Solvay Centenary conference now finished for over a week, some information has been posted about it on the Solvay Institute web-site, where you can see a group picture of the attendees on the main page. Lisa Randall’s comment … Continue reading

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Recollections of Rudolf Haag

Thomas Love pointed me to a wonderful article from last year by Rudolf Haag. It’s more or less a short memoir of his scientific career, entitled Some people and some problems met in half a century of commitment to mathematical … Continue reading

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Templeton Frontiers Program

The Perimeter Institute announced yesterday a new partnership with the Templeton Foundation, in the form of something to be called the Templeton Frontiers Program. The research areas to be supported are “quantum foundations and information, foundational questions in cosmology, and … Continue reading

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11/11/11, Portal to Another Universe?

According to World News Forecast, 11:11am on 11/11/11 could, if Uri Geller is right, be a portal to another universe. This is from Geller’s web-page on the subject: String theory is said to be the theory of everything. It is … Continue reading

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