Category Archives: Experimental HEP News

LHC Update: Bing Bang Machine Could Confirm or Disprove String Theory

Today’s CERN LHCC meeting had a wide-range of reports about how the machine is doing (1 nb-1 now, 10 nb-1 over the next 5 weeks), what the experiments are seeing (charm, Ws), and what physics might be possible with the … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News, This Week's Hype | 16 Comments

First Results From XENON100

The XENON100 dark matter experiment now has a paper out reporting their first results, from a test run of 11 days. They claim a 90% confidence level exclusion of 50 GeV WIMPs with a spin-independent elastic cross-section above 3 x … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 7 Comments

Tevatron vs. LHC

The news from Fermilab is that the Tevatron has set a new luminosity record, with a store last Friday that had an initial luminosity of 4.04 x 1032cm-2s-1, or, equivalently, 404 inverse microbarns/sec. For more about this, see a new … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 27 Comments

First High Energy Collisions at the LHC

Current schedule is for first 7 TeV center of mass collisions tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9:17 am Geneva time. Injection of the beams will take place after 2 am, ramp up to 3.5 TeV/beam from 3-4 am. For more details of … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 14 Comments

High Energy Beams at the LHC

At 5:23 am in Geneva this morning, for the first time the two LHC beams were ramped up to high energy, the 3.5 TeV/beam that they plan to run at for the next two years. These are the highest energy … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 10 Comments

HEPAP Meeting

HEPAP is now meeting in Washington, presentations available here. Like the rest of science, HEP has been doing very well in the federal budget, including a temporary increase due to the stimulus program. Excluding stimulus money, the president’s FY2011 request … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 15 Comments

LHC Update

There’s now a tentative date set for first high energy (3.5 TeV/beam) collisions at the LHC: it’s March 30th.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 3 Comments

LHC Update

Beam commissioning has started for 2010, with beam back in the LHC starting early Sunday morning. The plan is for roughly a month until colliding beams at 3.5 TeV/beam. For the latest news, see here and here. Update: Please, everyone, … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 5 Comments

LHC Update

A new schedule for operation of the LHC is out. It has sector tests of injection into the LHC starting the evening of Feb. 17, circulating beams again around Feb. 22, about 6 weeks for beam commissioning, then physics starting … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 3 Comments

LHC Update, More

According to John Conway, the decision coming out of Chamonix is to go with the first of the two scenarios described here: stay at 3.5 TeV/beam, then a long shutdown to fix all the splices. The idea is to run … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 5 Comments