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Category Archives: Experimental HEP News
Latest from the LHC
This weekend successful tests of injection of a beam from the SPS into the LHC were performed. The beam only traveled through a few of the sectors before being dumped, since all sectors of the machine are not yet ready … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Latest From the LHC
Things have been going fairly well at the LHC, with no major problems encountered recently as the machine is being prepared for operation. The last two sectors (34 and 67) are almost cool (see more about this here). Not mentioned … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Latest From the LHC
Things seems to have been going well at the LHC recently, with the current schedule expecting injection of beams in a little more than two months from now, on Thursday November 19. After that, the plan is for a week … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
I’ve spent most of the last month traveling, first to Latvia and Russia, then to China, finally to Seattle. Back now, looking forward to staying in one time zone and not seeing the interior of a plane for a while. … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, Uncategorized
Latest From the LHC
Here’s an announcement from the CERN DG Rolf Heuer sent out to CERN employees today: The foreseen shutdown work on the LHC is proceeding well, including the powering tests with the new quench protection system. However, during the past week … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Various and Sundry
For the latest on the status of the LHC, see the July 2 talk of Steve Myers mentioned here earlier, and a July 8 talk (slides, video) that has some more recent news. The question of what to do about … Continue reading
News from CERN, Witten Interview
The new CERN Bulletin is available, and it contains a link to a recent video interview of Witten, who has been visiting CERN during the past year. Some other things in this issue: Bill Gates recently visited the LHC, bringing … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Latest From the LHC
Last week was the annual Fermilab User’s Meeting, for all sorts of interesting talks see here. These included a talk by Sergio Bertolucci giving recent news about the LHC status. This week CERN is hosting a CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
LHC: status and commissioning plans
The LHC’s Mike Lamont has just posted a preprint here based on a recent Moriond talk describing the current status of the LHC commissioning. Here is his discussion of the on-going campaign to identify bad splices and figure out what … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
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Latest on the LHC
The Resonaances blog has a report from Planck 2009 on a talk about the status of the LHC. The slides of the talk explain the problems with training quenches that have necessitated initially running the machine at 5 TeV per … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News