Category Archives: Experimental HEP News

Latest From the LHC

A talk at CERN today by Jorg Wenninger gives an update on the problems at Sector 34 and more information about what the prospects are for restarting the machine next year. The cause of the accident has been identified as … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 18 Comments

Short Bits

More about BRST is on its way, but in the meantime a lot of things have accumulated that might be of interest, so I wanted to do a quick posting about these. One of them does have to do with … Continue reading

Posted in BRST, Experimental HEP News, Multiverse Mania | 52 Comments

The Circus Begins

Friday’s arXiv posting of the paper by CDF about the multi-muon anomaly they are seeing has already generated three different conjectural explanations of what physics might be responsible for this. Undoubtedly many, many more are on the way. Some members … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 24 Comments

Discovery of a New Particle?

Except for the excitement surrounding first beams in the LHC, particle physics has been an all-too-quiet subject recently. It looks like that may be about to change, with a dramatic new result announced by the CDF experiment this evening, in … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 42 Comments

ICHEP 2008

A major HEP conference, ICHEP 2008, is taking place in Philadelphia at the moment, and many of the talks are already available online here. This is mostly a conference devoted to experimental HEP, and the big news is the joint … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 11 Comments

LHC Update

Latest press release from CERN about the LHC says first beams “currently scheduled for August”. According to a presentation at the July 2 meeting of the LHC Technical Committee, the latest news is that “circulating beam not before September” (the … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 1 Comment

Supplemental US Science Funding

The Senate last night agreed to the House version of a bill that adds some supplemental science funding for FY2008, as part of a large “emergency” bill used to fund the the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The DOE Office of … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 2 Comments

P5 Report

A new P5 report is out, and being discussed at the HEPAP meeting in Washington today. The charge to P5 was to develop tentative 10 year plans for US HEP, under 3 scenarios: Scenario A: funding at the current post-budget … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 5 Comments

News From CERN and Fermilab

Things have been going quite well recently at the LHC, with cooldown beginning now for the last two sectors of the ring, three sectors cool, and three cooling. The latest cooldown schedule is here, a report yesterday on progress here. … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 13 Comments

LHC Startup at 10 TeV

Robert Aymar, the Director General of CERN, has announced that the LHC will operate when it starts up this year at an energy of 5 TeV per beam (10 TeV total center of mass energy), rather than the design energy … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 17 Comments